It's 7:48 a.m. , there's two inches of unpredicted snow on the ground (They will never acknowledge they got it wrong, it will be life as usual in the weather room) and Patrick and Junior are sleeping to DVD's downstairs.
Did somebody out Arbies? What's going on here? Their new TV ad says "now made with 100% chicken"--Are they insane? What they hell were they made of before? 80% chicken and 20% rat turds? And if they didn't tell us about that, what the hell are the Roast Beef sandwiches made of? Or did they never have chicken before and they're just trying to be funny? Either way, we've eaten at Arbies for the last time... If we want chicken, we'll go to the Colonel's....
On the Oscar's broadcast last night, some homo award recipient thanked his "life Partner". How come queers get life partners and we straight guys just get seven years and an adios, I'll take the house and weekly payments, thank you.
Speaking of the Academy Awards, Salma Hayak looked DELICIOSO!!!
Why was that no-talent ugly broad, Jennifer Anniston a presenter?
What a joke that the rap-crap song "It's hard out here for a pimp" won an award...
Really glad Reese Witherspoon won Best Actress--she deserved it. I'm worried about her chin, tho. The damn thing seems to be GROWING (plot for a horror film? The incredible growing pointed chin eats Nashville?)
A lot of great films weren't nominated for anything: War of the Worlds, Star Wars, Mr. & Mrs. Smith...Speaking of Smiths, the Awards program just didn't make it without Brad and Angelina...
Really happy that Pokebutt Mountain LOST for best picture, Ha,ha!
Goofy Clooney took the opportunity to deny Hollyweird is out of step with Mainstream America, instead contending that they are on the cutting edge of Social Innovation, blah blah blah, what a nebish!
The fact that the list of movies nominated for Best Picture, with just one exception were poorly received at the box office relatively speaking proves the point. Now I know box office receipts are not what the awards are about, otherwise, we'd just let the accountants tally up the bucks received. But PEOPLE do vote with their ticket purchases as to what THEY think is a good film, and it ain't Pokebutt Mountain!
Case in point, here is a list of 2005 movies ALREADY in the TOP 100 of ALL-TIME WORLD WIDE BOX OFFICE RECEIPTS-- (NONE of which received a nomination for Best Picture, and most NOTHING for ANYTHING):
12. Revenge of the Sith
22. Chronicles of Narnia
29. War of the Worlds
34. King Kong
47. Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
60. Mr. & Mrs. Smith
74. Madagascar (was this considered last year?)
85. Hitch
99. Batman Begins
Take a close look at the TYPE of movies on that list...As a matter of fact, with the exception of "Titanic", EVERY OTHER MOVIE on the Top 20 Blockbusters of all time is a SCI FI/FANTASY film.
'nuff said.
--Trader Rick