It is 7:21 a.m. and cloudy at 67.00 degrees F. Patrick is curled up on his afghan at my feet.
Glory Be!! Rosie O'Donnell, the America-hating, Jihadist-loving comspiracy theory nut co-host of The View was fired yesterday, several weeks before her scheduled departure, after a heated argument on air with Elisabeth Hasselbeck about Rosie's statement that U.S troops were terrorists.
Reportedly, after the live show, Rosie trashed her dressing room, while her assistant apparently drew Hitler mustaches on photos of Elisabeth hanging in the studio.
These people are such slimeballs!
Isn't it fitting that Rosie self-destructs right on the eve of MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND?
Speaking of Memorial Day, From the Patriot Post:
"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." --Nathan Hale
"[G]ather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with choicest flowers of springtime.... [L]et us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us as sacred charges upon the Nation's gratitude, the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan." --General John Logan, General Order No. 11, 5 May 1868
Memorial Day is reserved by American Patriots as a day to honor the service and sacrifice of fallen men and women who donned our Armed Forces uniforms with honor. We at The Patriot pay our humble respects to those that gave the ultimate sacrifice as members of the U.S. Armed Forces. We will remember you always.
Accordingly, this tribute is in honor of our fallen American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coastguardsmen.
One appropriate way to recognize fallen veterans and their families is to join with others and help place flags on the graves of fallen Patriots at your nearest National Cemetery (generally done the Saturday before Memorial Day).
Please join Patriots honoring Memorial Day across our great nation on Monday by observing a minute of silence at 1500 local time for remembrance and prayer. Flags should be flown at half-staff until noon, local time. Please give a personal word of gratitude and comfort to surviving family members who grieve for a beloved warrior fallen in battlefields defending our cherished liberties.
General George Patton insisted, "It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived."
Founding Patriot John Adams said: "I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is worth more than all the means...." Indeed it is!
Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world, and for their families -- especially families of those, who have given their life in defense of American liberty, while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus, et Fidelis!
Mark Alexander, Publisher, for The Patriot's editors and staff.
(For The Patriot's tribute to our Armed Forces, see "To Support and Defend ... So Help Me God.")
We are going out with the Legion this morning to set out the Flags in the cemeteries our Post is responsible for. Have a safe and Happy weekend!!