It's 7:12 a.m., Junior's out and Patrick's here with me.
Random thoughts
I know why Katie Couric's worth fifteen million a year to the today show--it's that they believe she brings in more than that in advertising revenue because she is responsible for big ratings. What I don't get is why she gets the high ratings...I think she's annoying. Now she's poised to move into the late communist Dan Rather's anchor spot...proving the MSM is devoid of all honour...
Gosh, the Catholic Church is considering eliminating the concept of "Limbo". Shouldn't this be God's decision? Maybe they'll keep Limbo, but just make it a suburb of Heaven...
One of the conservative Talk Show hosts was berating Disney for calling Christians a "niche" market in regards to their selling campaign of their new Chronicles of Narnia movie. He said they wern't a niche, they were the majority. I think that Disney is referring to practicing Born-again Evangelical Christians--certainly NOT a majority.
Let's keep it "Christmas" not "holiday". If you are a Christian, send Christmas Cards with a Nativity Scene on them, not a SNowman and "Happy Holidays".
That crew cut guy, oh BRAD PITT--is he whipped or what? Carrying around Angelina's little black baby, following three steps behind her on her trips to third world hospitals? Don't get me wrong, I'n not denegrating her good works, just commenting on his manly demeaner. Yes, I know, we would all do it to hang out with the worlds sexiest woman...or not.
Any excuse to post a pic of Angelina Jolie...
Sen. Joe Lieberman just got back from Iraq and was adamant in his opinion that we should not cut and run... partial quote:
"I cannot say enough about the U.S. Army and Marines who are carrying most of the fight for us in Iraq. They are courageous, smart, effective, innovative, very honorable and very proud. After a Thanksgiving meal with a great group of Marines at Camp Fallujah in western Iraq, I asked their commander whether the morale of his troops had been hurt by the growing public dissent in America over the war in Iraq. His answer was insightful, instructive and inspirational: "I would guess that if the opposition and division at home go on a lot longer and get a lot deeper it might have some effect, but, Senator, my Marines are motivated by their devotion to each other and the cause, not by political debates."
Thank you, General. That is a powerful, needed message for the rest of America and its political leadership at this critical moment in our nation's history. Semper Fi. "
Mr. Lieberman is a Democratic senator from Connecticut