Friday, November 18, 2005


It's 8:30 a.m. twenty degrees out, Patrick and Junior are have gone to sleep.

Here is the North Manchester News Sentinel article on Scott Zubowski:

Local Marine Killed By Iraqi Roadside Bomb
16 Nov 2005

More than 2,000 Americans have died since the beginning of the war in Iraq. On Saturday, one of those deaths hit close to home as Scott Zubowski, age 20 and a 2003 Manchester High School graduate, was killed in action near Fullujah, Iraq, when a roadside bomb exploded underneath the military vehicle he was riding in.
One other Marine was killed in the explosion and three others were injured.Zubowski is the son of Rick Zubowski and Barbara Weitzel. Scott is also survived by his wife, Klancey (Eberly) Zubowski and two brothers, Brian Zubowski, and David Zubowski, who is serving with the Marines in Iraq.
Scott’s father, Rick, said that his son was doing what he wanted to do with his life and knew the risks involved. “Scott really looked up to his older brother who is serving with the Marines. He also has a lot of friends in different branches of the military. He was planning on being an officer in the Marine Corp(sic), but he wanted to start off from the bottom and work his way up,” said Rick Zubowski.
Scott was serving his second tour of duty in Iraq. His first ran from February to October of 2004.
Manchester High School principal Nancy Alspaugh said that she remembers Scott as being a very bright and well-rounded student, one who had unlimited potential. “He was a very strong student academically. I think he graduated eighth in his class. He was a solid A student, was a National Merit Commended Student, and a member of the National Honor Society,” said Alspaugh.
Zubowski also was known for being a good writer, an artist, and was involved in cross country, track, and swimming at MHS. “There are just a lot of people who thought very highly of Scott,” said Alspaugh. “I did have some concern about his enlisting initially because of the caliber of student he was. He could have gone to the Academy or gone through Officer training, but he felt like enlisting was something he needed to do. We all respected him for that,” Alspaugh continued.

Rick said that his son just had a lot of fun, and was surrounded by a “great crew of friends” in high school. “They had their fun, but they were good kids and never really got into any real trouble,” he said.Alspaugh agreed. “He was not somebody who was in my office,” she said. “Scott was pretty quiet and unassuming, but at the same time, had a great personality and was well liked by all,” she added.
A teacher of Scott’s, Bob Gilbert has fond memories of Scott as well. “He was both extremely bright and gentle. He had as fine an analytical mind as any student we’ve had in our school. He saw beneath the surface and understood things on a much deeper level than most students, but he was determined to go into the Marines because he thought it was important to give service to his country,” said Gilbert.

For Rick, he said that when Scott was in Iraq, he really didn’t worry too much about him. “I didn’t feel like I had to worry because of how tight knit the Marines are. They are a very close group,” he said. “The part that’s frustrating is how cowardly they (the insurgents) are. They don’t even have the guts to face you. They just continuously do cowardly things like this,” he added.Rick said that arrangements are pending, and that Scott’s body was due to arrive in Indianapolis or Ft. Wayne Tuesday.


In surfing the web for information about Scott Zubowski, i have encountered two distinct types of websites, both types hosted by passionate people--people that HATE and LOVE. If you read my blog you will conclude that I LOVE America and her veterans and HATE Islamic fascist demon-zombies. Some websites I have visited honor our vets, LOVE America and her soldiers; others, the creepy anti-war ones, HATE America, hate the Republicans and President Bush, and LOVE our enemies in the middle east. Nobody loves peace more than the citizen soldiers who have to fight our wars. Nobody loves freedom more than those who have fought for it.

Watch carefully what our "leaders" in congress are saying now -- the revisionist historians--



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