“I strongly disagree with [Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s conservative] views. I think she’s dangerous and offensive. I will not be on the same stage as her.” —singer Barry Manilow, refusing to be on “The View”
Good for you, shithead. Barely Manley. What a tool!
I let Patrick out, and now the little beggar is out there HOWLING. I've never heard him howl before, it's a little "woooooooo" at the end of each bark. So he's got the Huskies howling now, or maybe it was the other way around.
Huskies don't bark much, but every once in a while they enjoy a group howl--lasts less than a minute. Very beautiful and haunting primeval sound. When we had three Wolf Hybrids in the Dogyard, they led the Huskies in the most awesome howls. And I could induce them to sing by howling at them whenever I wanted--It got to be a game. I had one old Rescue fella who used to howl at the noon siren that rang in a town about eight miles south of here. We couldn't hear it of course, but he could, and every ambulance siren within a five mile radius....
"Listen to them! What sweet music they make! They are the children of the Night."
Anybody know who said that? Earn a smiley!
Labels: FOOLS, idiots, MOONBATS, Morons, UGLY PEOPLE
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