geocachers beware...It is 5:46 a.m. and 66.1 degrees out. The wee doggy is still in bed. Well, I didn't even want to mention this, but since it's all over the airwaves: That jerk at UF got what he had coming when the campus cops tazered him. This was a publicity stunt for his 15 minutes of fame--It was all theatre on his part. I think he may have gotten more than he bargained for. I hope they prosecute. They probably shouldn't have juiced him, but hey, you take your chances when you violently resist arrest. period. Junior doesn't agree with me. So it goes. Oops: The most recent Rasmussen Poll, Fred's numbers continue to rise, while the rest of the field is trailing farther behind:
| Thompson | Giuliani | Romney | McCain | Huckabee |
9/13- 9/16 | 28 | 19 | 12 | 14 | 6 |
Too good to pass up (Mergz at Suarian Sagacity on vol forums fans complaining Florida ran up the score on them):Why was Florida still throwing deep in the 4th quarter up by 20 plus? Because you were still on the field. This is Sparta.GO GATORS!!
I hope Fred will stop shooting himself in the foot and do some real politiking, I am still waiting. After his lonnggggg warm up he came out as a slow clumsy oaf, I expected much more and left very disappointed, Bob Dole on Prozac is how I would describe what I have seen. Dang' he could have been a fireplug for the GOP and turned out to be a squish.
Yes, but he's OUR Squish! Bald headed old fart!!
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