Thursday, November 20, 2008



Current Power Ratings

To calculate a hypothetical line, subtract the home team's rating from the visiting team's, adding 4 points for home field advantage.

Group By Conference

2 USC 69
4 TEXAS 66
7 OHIO ST 59
9 TCU 57
10 UTAH 56



RK Team REC PRV High/Low Comment
1 9-1 - 1/7

W, South Carolina 56-6; next game: Citadel. The Ranking Should Be Lower Because ... it shouldn't be. Check out everyone else coming around to something we've been saying since the beginning of October.

W, South Carolina 56-6; next game: Citadel. The Ranking Should Be Lower Because ... it shouldn't be. Check out everyone else coming around to something we've been saying since the beginning of October. Notice how everyone, everyone prefaces every discussion of the rankings by saying, "Florida is the best team, but ..." Of course, Alabama deserves to be No. 1 at the moment, or No. 2 behind Texas Tech, but we go by who the best team is. No one's playing better in all three phases.

Team: Home | Stats | Schedule
2 10-0 - 2/15

Didn't play this week; next game: at Oklahoma. The Ranking Should Be Higher Because ... Texas Tech has been every bit as dominant, at least offensively, as Florida, and it doesn't have a home gag to an Ole Miss.

Didn't play this week; next game: at Oklahoma. The Ranking Should Be Higher Because ... Texas Tech has been every bit as dominant, at least offensively, as Florida, and it doesn't have a home gag to an Ole Miss. The Ranking Should Be Lower Because ... we're probably going to pick Oklahoma. Even so, if the game was in Lubbock we'd probably go with the Red Raiders. If Texas and Texas Tech played in Austin tomorrow, we'd pick Texas. Have a headache yet? Just wait to see what happens if/when there's a three-way tie for the South title.

Team: Home | Stats | Schedule
3 10-1 - 1/9

W, at Kansas 35-7; next game: Texas A&M (Nov. 27). The Ranking Should Be Higher Because ... Texas isn't going to lose to Texas A&M. Basically, the Longhorns lost to Texas Tech on the greatest play in Red Raider history, and after they demolish the Aggies, they'll have beaten everyone but Oklahoma State, including Oklahoma, by double digits.

W, at Kansas 35-7; next game: Texas A&M (Nov. 27). The Ranking Should Be Higher Because ... Texas isn't going to lose to Texas A&M. Basically, the Longhorns lost to Texas Tech on the greatest play in Red Raider history, and after they demolish the Aggies, they'll have beaten everyone but Oklahoma State, including Oklahoma, by double digits. The Ranking Should Be Lower Because ... it can't be. If Oklahoma beats Texas Tech, a case could be made that Texas should be No. 1. After all, it there's a three way tie for the South. Texas will be the one who didn't get the benefit of a home game among the round-robin, while Texas Tech and Oklahoma will have won their home games.

Team: Home | Stats | Schedule
4 9-1 - 1/6

Didn't play this week; next game: Texas Tech. The Ranking Should Be Higher Because ... fine, so we're almost certain to pick OU to beat Texas Tech. While Florida might be playing better than anyone in America right now, Oklahoma, at least on offense, is playing second best...

Didn't play this week; next game: Texas Tech. The Ranking Should Be Higher Because ... fine, so we're almost certain to pick OU to beat Texas Tech. While Florida might be playing better than anyone in America right now, Oklahoma, at least on offense, is playing second best... The Ranking Should Be Lower Because ... the defense isn't playing up-to-snuff. It's a good D, but hardly a great one and it might be about to be lit up like a Christmas tree. Also, watch out for that Oklahoma State date down the road. That's hardly a layup for an OU program under Bob Stoops that has faltered in the past in Stillwater.

Team: Home | Stats | Schedule
5 11-0 - 1/16

W, Mississippi State 32-7; next game: Auburn (Nov. 29). The Ranking Should Be Higher Because ... fine, fine, fine, the team just wins, even if the style points aren't there. With lines like Bama has, don't just hand the SEC title over to Florida quite yet.

W, Mississippi State 32-7; next game: Auburn (Nov. 29). The Ranking Should Be Higher Because ... fine, fine, fine, the team just wins, even if the style points aren't there. With lines like Bama has, don't just hand the SEC title over to Florida quite yet. This Tide team seems like the type that rises to every occasion. If the Tide blasts a bad Auburn team, you'll know just how focused Nick Saban's boys are. The Ranking Should Be Lower Because ... let's be honest here; just how good is the SEC? The first half against Mississippi State was a bit scary, while the overtime win over LSU, considering what Troy was able to do this week in Death Valley, doesn't appear to be any big deal. The best offense Alabama has faced has been Georgia's, and that's it. Would the Tide be unbeaten if it had to survive the Big 12 South and all of its offenses?

Team: Home | Stats | Schedule


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