On our trip to Nashville, we ate at a Krystal (right down the street was a White Castle) --we must have been at the border of these too, in Bowling Green, Ky. Krystals are WC clones in the south--both are among the very first fast food joints. Yours Truly used to be a Night Manager at the Krystal in Clearwater, Fla. during a summer vacation in the mid sixties. It was more of a diner in those days, with a counter and real breakfasts-- and of course superior sliders. One afternoon, I cooked breakfast for 180 national guardsmen, but I've told you that story before...
License plate found in the parking lot of the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville, Tenn. Heh, Heh.
Our table at the Alum Dinner at a converted mansion Steakhouse in Nashville prior to the Vandy Game. Our table mates were alums from Washington DC, and Air Force Colonels!! We watched the Alabama Game in a raucous atmosphere...
"Blooming Onion" Outback Steakhouse Blimp...
Banner in courtyard of Alum Dinner event... Trader Rick photographing it...It is 8:02 a.m. and 49 degrees. Earthdog Patrick and Junior are in his room.
Some slimy bastards stole our McCain-Palin yard sign--It was not here when we got back from Tennessee. Good thing the big dogs were penned up while we were gone, or they likely would have blood stains all over their crotches. Just shows the Obamaites don't believe in free speech. We do applaud their courage in this deal, tho, as our .303's are our ready guns, and are loaded with armour piercing shells, which we have tested to cutting a clean hole thru 3/8 inch steel--engine blocks no problem!I wanted that sign for a souvenir--oh, well.
More pics of Vandy game events for you...
More later.
You should have already taken the sign down, now that the election is history. Nothing annoys me more than seeing Obama signs and bumper stickers after the election.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
My hometown, Wichita Kansas, is where White Castle started. Also Pizza Hut.
There are no longer any White Castle restaurants in Wichita at all. So it goes.
I was planning on leaving the sign up until 2012...
Soon there will be no pizza huts either.
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