It is dark out. I would have thought it would be light by now. Must be Global Warming. Which of course is Bush's fault. Come to think of it, probably everything bad can be traced back to GW one way or another.
Peyton Manning had a childrens' Hospital named after him because of all his charitible work. We need more role models like Peyton in Sports. We watched him last night creame the Saints in the second half of the Kickoff Game. Go Colts!! AND, he's hilarious in his TV commercials. (Still couldn't beat the Gators in FOUR tries.)
The railing on our bannister is worn smooth from the hands sliding over it for a humdred years.
Does Faith Hill have a flaw?
Have we ignored Michigan's pain? It could happen to any of us. Perhaps Michigan now owns the title of owners of YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE, having taken it from Ohio State and their 85 yard performance in the first BCS championship game...
“Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has backed down from demands for a withdrawal of our troops in Iraq by next spring. Selling voters on cut and run was always tough, but now a new UPI/Zogby Poll finds that 54% of Americans believe the Iraq war is not lost. Beyond the achievements of our forces, the public is obviously impressed that Iraq’s five top political leaders have agreed on a series of compromises, including oil-wealth distribution and provincial elections. Since Reid and other Democratic leaders now know that outright surrender is out, they’ve decided to try for whatever they can get. ‘I don’t think we have to think that our way is the only way,’ Reid told The Washington Post, making it clear he now seeks an anti-war alliance with shaky Republicans... But the U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, will join with our ambassador, Ryan Crocker, in presenting a progress report the week of Sept. 10, and he is expected to say exactly what recent travelers to Iraq have discovered: 1) the surge is working, and 2) leaving now would be disastrous. Democrat senators like Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin and Majority Whip Richard Durbin have had to concede that the new strategy—which Democrats assailed earlier this year as the same old strategy, with no prayer of success—is making real inroads toward victory and the establishment of lasting freedom in Iraq...[W]hen Gen. Petraeus tells lawmakers this month that victory is achievable, there will be a message the White House will be delivering loud and clear: Politicians micromanaging this war are the last thing we need right now.” —Investor’s Business Daily
And yes, Patrick is now sleeping peacefully on his afghan at my feet.
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