Our favorite POW needs to bow out. Tancredo, Huckabee and Duncan Hunter are GREAT, but probably not electable, and therefore irrevelent. OK, so Guiliani--he's a snake oil salesman, can't you see that? Now Romney-- He looks GOOD, poised, confident, presidential, blah blah blah--might make a formidable cadidate in the general elections against the socialists--BUT: Can we know if he believes in what he's saying? He's so very new to the conservative team--will he revert back to his old liberal ways? We get the feeling he is just telling the GOP what he thinks it wants to hear... Then came the devastating question from the Deputy Sherriff who has a son serving in Iraq. The officer noted Romney had apologized, but said it still stuck in his craw or words to that effect that Romney would compare his sons' working on his campaign to the service of soldiers in the War Zone. Romney muffed his answer, not owning up to the gaff, just giving some platitudes on how he respects the troops. Later, after the debate, he gave the newsman interviewing him the right answer -- It was a stupid gaff, I shouldn't have said it, I didn't mean it. But, he didn't say that when it counted. Big Mistake on his part. I question his credibility. So do a lot of real republicans if the polls are any indication. But the bottom line is, any of these guys would be totally acceptable (with the exception of moron Paul) as opposed to the horror- the humanity! that would ensue were Hillary-Bill or the Obama Boy (Who is really just tuning up for a later run) to enter the White House. Among them Romney is probably the most attractive, acceptable candidate in terms of defeating the bitch...
Then, all of a sudden, onstage walks FRED THOMPSON last nite on the Tonite Show, looking like the cat dragged him in off a table with a drain at the morgue, but saying all the right things. He's our man at this point-- the only electable Conservative running in a sea of Rinos.
But the main thing is to pick whoever has the best chance to slap down Hillary and Bill. You heard it here first. No Lassie on TV last night, but honestly we didn't really look, since we had to enure these damn "debates".
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