It breaks down like this:
Lee =3Army of No. Virgina =1
Total= 4 Northern General = 1
Army of the Potomac = 3
Total = 4 Anyway look for good things from Sabin and Company this year. Watched the Bowdin Bowl and the Tigers mopped up the field with Pappy's Seminoles in the first half, like 24-3. Noles only had one first down. Then second half, Noles came alive and fortunes were reversed as Clemson unraveled and came close to deconstructing. They held on to win however, bringing my predictions to 23-2, I think. (Tennesee and Michigan let me down). Clemson holds a special place in my heart, not just because they beat FSU with regularity now, but because I worked in South Carolina for a year and went to their home games...Lots of fan intensity there.
More Later, maybe.
Yes, I Remember You
Yes I remember you
I saw you on the screen today
Your words I remember
You in a doper’s haze for all the world to see
You knew more than me in sixty-eight
Still smarter than me now
Screaming stop the war again
Trade the rifle for the plow
We were better men than you back then
Our sons are better still
Once again they go to fight and die
While you talk of the Bill
You damned the draft in sixty-eight
Heck no, you wouldn’t go
We stopped the draft just for you
But the patriot you don’t know
Don’t claim to care about our sons,
Your words are never true
You claim I don’t know you now,
But, yes I remember you
You burned my flag, damned my name
Your story so untrue
Today in the halls of power you stand
But I remember you
Hand over heart and eyes closed
You stand before my flag
But I remember way back then
When you treated her like a rag
So prattle on about honor boy
Tell how war makes you blue
Avert your gaze as I stare you down
Because, yes I remember you
-- Maj Mark "Zippo" Smith
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