Sunday, June 24, 2007



It is 6:47 a.m. and 63.9 degrees F. Patrick is downstairs guarding Junior's sleep, by snuggling him.

In the Wal Star Mart parking lot yesterday I saw a fat bitch put her shopping Kart right up against the metal railing of the Kart Korral, not more than ten feet from me. I wished she would have gotten Eye Contact with me, I would have burned daggers thru her thick caveman skull. I'm sure the only reason she pushed the Kart to the Korral was she was parked next to it. She's one of these slobs, I bet, that just leave the Kart where they parked their SUV (They need a truck to haul their weight around).

It's nasty smelly bitches like this that drive the costs of merchandize up for the rest of us. Our super-walmart employs guys with little tractors to round up these wayward, as well as properly Koralled, Karts.

So why can't people place the Karts in the Korral properly? You just jam them in any old way, and soon the Koral is filled, even tho only one fifth of it's capacity is utilized. Now, to keep the karts from spilling out into the aisles, here comes the Kart Koral guy.

EVERY time I return my kart to the Koral, I have to straighten up the Karts, which I do, just to make it easier on the guys. I even saw one lazy slob queen give her kart a shove from about 15 feet to get it into the Korral!! And she could have used the exercize to get some pounds off her huge lard butt, too!

Aldi has solved the problem with a unique quarter lock on their Karts, and of course their food is thirty to fifty percent cheaper than supermarkets'.

These people, and mostly they are morbidly obese lazy welfare asshole bitches with no soul, should be arrested and put in jail!! Or on a diet!!! (Rant ends)

From the Patriot Post:

Profiles of valor: Air Force Staff Sgt. Covel

In an undisclosed region of Iraq, Air Force Staff Sgt. Earl I. Covel of Oregon was assigned to work with a small group of Army Special Forces soldiers and indigenous Kurdish fighters, when the safe house that Covel and his men were staying in came under a vicious attack.

Covel, the tactical air controller, made his way to the rooftop of a nearby building where he set up communications with air support while pointing out targets to his team. The soldier who was providing Covel cover fire as he coordinated the attack was shot and evacuated, with Covel left in a “little corner of hell” as he later described it. Covel continued to coordinate air and ground strikes for the next 36 hours, all the time returning enemy fire. Through it all, not one of Covel’s men was killed, though more than 100 insurgents were taken down. Later, it was found that approximately 200 insurgents were part of the large-scale assault.

At the recommendation of the Army soldiers with whom he served, Covel was recently awarded the Silver Star. “This honor speaks for itself,” Brigadier General Benjamin Bartlett said at the award ceremony. “Its importance cannot be overstated. I’ve been in the service for 31 years, and I’ve never seen a Silver Star presentation. What he did over there was beyond heroic. Heroes are those people who are put into a position where their true inner character comes out when it is needed most.”



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At Sun Jun 24, 10:16:00 AM 2007, Blogger Mark said...

Aldi just recently opened a store in our area. I used to shop there all the time when I lived in Kansas City, but this is the first in this area for many people.

I get a kick out of watching people who are shopping there for the first time. Usually, they start to pitch a fit because they thinbk they have to rent a cart for a quarter, not knowing they will get it back. I do my part when I'm there to explain how it works to them.

Yesterday, I heard again a new Aldo shopper telling someone on her cell phone about the fantastic new store with the great bargains. She said, and I quote, "Not many people know about this place yet, and I aint telling anybody!"

LOL! That reminds me of what I said when I discovered Aldi. I said, "I hope the rich people don't discover this place. They won't leave anything for the rest of us."

At Sun Jun 24, 11:05:00 AM 2007, Blogger Trader Rick said...

Don't worry Mark. The hoity-toity crowd wouldn't be caught DEAD in an Aldi's.


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