Wednesday, February 14, 2007


It is 6:22 a.m. and 12.7 degrees F. out and Patrick is curled up on his afghan at my feet in front of the space heater.

We got a lot of snow last nite, it's hard to tell how much with the way it blows and drifts around here. As soon as it get's light out I'll venture outside and dig out the Big Dogs if they need it. Sometimes the snow drifts out there so high their boxes get buried and their eight foot fences become three foot fences. They love this shit.

Yesterday and today, to a lesser extent, the local schools, colleges, stores, factories etc. were closed due to the Blizzard of '07.

Some things I was thinking about the other day. Mitt Romney gets it.


You may be against the war on terror, or against the way it's being waged. It's not a moral issue--It's just a matter of opinion and judgement. With the exception of a few vocal traitors like Sheehan, Fonda, Kerry etc., most Americans want what is best for our country.

You may be for Gay marriage or against it. It's not really a moral issue, it's a political matter of opinion and judgement.

You may be for the second amendment, or want it repealed by judges. It's not a moral issue, it's a matter of opinion and judgement.

You may be for socialism, the welfare state, special priviledges for minorities, open borders, free trade, destroying capitalism--etc. etc. It's not personal, it's just business.

In our opinion, the most important political issue is gun control, because an armed citizenry is essential to a free state, and that armed citizenry insures all the other rights.

Wars will come and go, but liberties lost are usually lost forever, with few exceptions.

Anyhow, however you think, conservative or liberal, commie or capitalist, bitch or asshole, duped traitor or patriot, It 's just a matter of knowledge and judgement.

But there is one issue that transends them all in that is it purely a moral issue, in which one side is right and the other EVIL. And that is the systematic murder of millions of unborn baby human beings. If you are FOR ABORTION, then you are either Evil or you have such bad judgement and ignorance that you are going along with evil, which may be as bad.

Any Christian, who understands the teachings of Jesus, cannot possibly support murdering children. But even atheists, if they want to be fair, would have to admit that murdering innocent human beings is not the correct thing to do.

So, if we want to JUDGE who should be our President, Senator, Member of Congress, Sheriff, Mayor, whatever, we need to know his stand on ABORTION--because if he or she is for it--It shows a callous disregard for the rights of human beings, and an alarming lack of judgement and moral values, that could transcend to every decision that person makes.

And that is why ABORTION is the litmus test for conservatives. Because, at the heart of conservatism is the love of INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY. And ACCORDING TO OUR FOUNDING FATHERS, greatest among our rights are:


And, as I've said before, Cliff's Notes on World History written 500 years from now (assuming we haven't blown ourselves up or melted) will note these few facts about the 20th/21st Century:

Mankind began exploring Outer Space.
Mankind began the Greatest Holocaust, Killing Hundreds of Millions of Unborn Babies.



At Thu Feb 15, 11:44:00 PM 2007, Blogger Mark said...

Those are all the best reasons to seriously consider Duncan Hunter for our next President. He stands on the right side of all those principles.


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