It is 5:54 a.m and a really chilly for this time of the year 46 degrees in Palm Harbor, Florida. Thirty degrees cooler in Urbana Ind. at 15 degrees F. Rosie and Ben are in Bed, Sadie is asleep at the foot of the bed, and Bing and I are here in the office.
Published a geocache yesterday and EIGHT teams found it the first day!!!
Went to the Florida State fair yesterday and did not eat deep fat fried anything and watched a guy wrestle an alligator!! HAHAHAHA.wHEN WE GOT HOME rOSIE MADE Chicken and Dumplings, Ummmm-Ummm!
This will be my last blog post as I have come into an insane amount of money and will be sailing around the world in a few days...
We wish to inform you that you have won
£850,000.00 in the UK National Online Email
Lottery held on 5th of February 2010 in Uk.
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go gatuh
I thought you already had an insane amount of money.
Did you even enter this lottery?
If it's insane to be broke, yes. No I didn't enter, just lucky I guess. This is about the tenth one I've won--I keep forgetting to collect the moneyLOL
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