Mark, what's the dress code for your Justice meet and greet; I am a cargo shorts, loafers and Hawaiin shirt guy--Will there be munchies? Can I bring a date? Are we allowed to ask the candidate hard questions as long as they are phrased with respect? Will there be photo ops--Will I be pressed to give money? Is it mainly for hoity toities or can we rough characters attend? I assume there will be a cash bar? Live music and dancing? Valet parking? Inquiring minds want to know. Would it be bad form to try and make business contacts for my bail bond group I work for--passing out cards etc.? I can't wear a tie due to a big goiter on my neck... Are we all going to retire to a local cocktail lounge after the event to do the real business? I assume dogs are not welcome. Will there be a lot of republican bashing? I like to make jokes about those redneck weenies!! It's not just a bunch of weasily amulance chasers getting together to bullshit each other is it? I know I won't fit in, but I like to say things to those guys that makes them scratch their heads and wonder if I'm for real. Sounds like a blast!!
rest of this post is lost!!!! I'm not going to redo it.
Are you addressing me, sir?
WTF are you talking about?
no, this is a messed up post. There's another guy named Mark believe it or not.
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