It is 9:13 a.m. and 60 degrees out--Dog and Son are asleep downstairs. Highspeed was out this morning. GATORS: Oh, My! Watched a hell of a game last night--the Water Rodents OBLITERATED the Greeks! Very exciting game, right to the end. I'm sure there was dancing in the streets in Norman, Athens and Gainesville! Yowzah!
EVIL MEN DOING BAD THINGS: Some Goofy Fuck dimocrat congressman, can you believe this, congressman says Sarah Palin carries a Gun and "Strips" Moose (whatever that means) and so doesn't care about Blacks or Jews! I know, don't go there. The logic escapes me, also. It's just that they are so blinded by their insane hate, they can't think straight (Oops, that's not a change...) The Dems, in their blind fury at Senator McCain's coming to D.C. LIED UNASHAMEDLY about having a Wall Street deal in place. They now lie so easily, even when they know they will be outed in a few hours--they don't care. The have crossed that thin line into insanity--maybe they actually believe their own lies... They are still insisting this mess is the fault of the republicans when it was their insistence on giving every Negro a house with attached garage to live in for free and a chicken in their pots while the President and the FED chairman were constantly warning them of impending doom. EVIL MEN YOU CAN'T COUNT ON: OK, so the indians are attacking the Fort! More indians than we've ever seen before! And they've been armed by the Frenchies with muskets!!! Man the parapets! Every able bodied man to his station--Fire at will! Women to the hospital! Other women to the wall to reload! Every man must do his duty! Wait!! Where's B. Hussein? Oh, he's in his room reading. Hussein, Hussein, look the Indians are shooting flaming arrows over the stockade walls! B. Hussein, looking up from his book, "OK, call me if you need me..."These bastards better do something, or all hell is going to break loose...
As our favorite boxer/actor Tex said to the ref in his bout with the Champ: "You're white. Do something. Help me!" But remember? He never backed up, he never went down.
gogators, go sarah
Had to look up to get your water rodents/Greek analogy, but really, Rick, one touchdown is hardly an obliteration.
I heard that quote about Palin on the radio last night, but don't remember the name of the moron who said it. It boggles the mind how mindless these Libtards are.
OSU bitchslapped them all over the field. The score doesn't reflect how badly USC was humbled. OSU was +6 in first downs, and +46 in total yards. Remember this was an unranked team dethroning No. 1!!! You had to see it to believe it. They should drop out of the top ten, but you know they won't...
OSU, a 25-point underdog, led 21-0 at halftime and held on for a 27-21 victory against the top-ranked Trojans before 42,839 mostly orange-clad Beaver fans.
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