Thursday, January 24, 2008


It is 5:49 a.m. and 13.2 degrees, falling from midnight. Patrick got up and started his second sleep shift with Junior.

Went caching yesterday morning in 12 degree weather picked up an FTF and planted four caches at Salamonie Lake...

If I see one more multi-colored cartoon bear wipe his ass with Charmin on TV, my head is gonna explode!!

I want to apologize for calling Mormon Romney a liberal. He might possibly be more of a moderate, and after all he will be the republican nominee. It's just that I'm irate that the republicrats can't find a conservative to run, without ignoring him (Duncan Hunter, anyone?).

It's time for a third party--yes, I know that will put the dems in power so they can ruin the country, but maybe that's what we need so a new party can rise from the ashes that will restore our liberties and our Constitutional Republic. The socialists, and the unwashed masses and blacks and hispanics have the democrat party; Whites and moderates, middle class know nothings have the republicrat party. Where do the conservatives, capitalists, white rednecks, Christians and educated working class go? We go to hell, that's where. Our backs broken by carrying the weight of the users. Oh well!

We're going over to Ron Paul--to hell with the current crop of RINO's!!He's the only candicate, apparently, who's red the Declaration of Independence...

I wish Tom Selleck would run--or Chelsey Lately (not really, she's a Jewish/Mormon HollyLib)

Watched the University of Florida Basketball team, trailing most of the game, came back in the last four minutes to whip the tar out of the USCe Gamecocks by two points! Steve Spurrier was in attendance, he's a friend of Billy's. Screw you Steve!!


HOORAY FOR A MICHIGAN STATE PROFESSOR........................................

Feb 28, 2006 this was dated according to and is TRUE

Hooray for A Michigan State Professor!


The story begins at Michigan State University

with a mechanical engineering professor named

Indrek Wichman.


Wichman sent an e-mail to the Muslim Student's Association.

The e-mail was in response to the students' protest

of the Danish cartoons

that portrayed the Prophet Muhammad as a terrorist.

The group had complained the cartoons were

"hate speech."

(Enter Professor Wichman.)

In his e-mail, he said the following:

Dear Moslem Association,

As a professor of Mechanical Engineering here at MSU

I intend to protest your protest.

I am offended not by cartoons,

but by more mundane things like beheadings of civilians,

cowardly attacks on public buildings, suicide murders,

murders of Catholic priests (the latest in Turkey ),

burnings of Christian churches,

the continued persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt ,

the imposition of Sharia law on non-Muslims,

the rapes of Scandinavian girls and women(called "whores" in your culture),

the murder of film directors in Holland,

and the rioting and looting in Paris France.

This is what offends me,

a soft-spoken person and academic,

and many, many of my colleagues.

I counsel you dissatisfied, aggressive, brutal,

and uncivilized slave-trading Moslems

to be very aware of this as you proceed with your infantile "protests."

If you do not like the values of the West

- see the 1st Amendment -

you are free to leave.

I hope for God's sake

that most of you choose that option.

Please return to your ancestral homelands

and build them up yourselves instead of troubling Americans.


I. S. Wichman

Professor of Mechanical Engineering


As you can imagine,

the Muslim group at the university didn't like this too well.

They're demanding that Wichman be reprimanded

and the university impose mandatory diversity training for faculty

and mandate a seminar on hate and discrimination for all freshmen.

Now the local chapter of CAIR has jumped into the fray.

CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations,

apparently doesn't believe that the good professor

had the right to express his opinion.

For its part,

the university is standing its ground

in support of Professor Wichman,

saying the e-mail was private,

and they don't intend to publicly condemn his remarks.


Send this to your friends, and ask them to do the same.

Tell them to keep passing it around until the whole country gets it.

We are in a war.

This political correctness crap is getting old and killing us.

If you agree with this,

please send it to all your friends,

if not simply delete it.




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