Wednesday, January 16, 2008


It is 6:28 a.m. and 19. degrees out; Patrick and Rick Junior are asleep.


Kerry Rips Clinton Campaign

Sen. John Kerry* blasted the presidential campaign of fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton on Monday, saying remarks by a Clinton surrogate hinting at Barack Obama’s past drug use were “negative in the worst, petty way.”

In an interview with the Huffington Post, Kerry said: “That kind of discussion, from a campaign where the former president made famous the words ‘I did not inhale,’ is to make something an issue that they themselves acknowledged shouldn’t be.”

Bob Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Network, raised the specter of Barack Obama’s admitted drug use as a teenager while campaigning with Hillary in South Carolina on Sunday. Clinton did not repudiate the remark when she spoke on the same platform with Johnson or afterwards as she campaigned throughout the day.

“I thought that was uncalled for,” Kerry — who has endorsed Obama — said about the remark.

“I thought it was negative in the worst, petty way. I thought it was unfortunate. And if it is done in surrogacy for the campaign itself then it is really wrong…

* Sen. John Kerry, D-Hanoi is an admitted War Criminal and Traitor. --Trader Rick

Seems the commies are ripping each other to shreds. This is a good thing.

OK, so Dogs, American Idol is back, and some good hot singer girls are poised to shine.This is also a good thing.

What is not a good thing is that REAL old-fashioned Conservatives don't have a party. The Commies and Socialists and Traitors are quite comfortable in the Democrat Party. The Liberals and Moderates have got the GOP sewed up, especially with Romney's win in Michigan. (He's the only viable candidate for them now. McCain's too old and Crusty, Fred just hasn't caught fire, Ron Paul comes across as a few paddles short of a canoe trip, Hunter is invisible, Rudy is not even trying--when does he start his campaign??? In the fourth quarter?).

So that leaves Conservatives Where? What happened to the Reagan Coalition? Who speaks for Federalism, small government, fiscal responiblility, states rights and MEANS IT? Nobody.

So we have to SETTLE for the liberal Romney, as a better alternative to the Magic Negro or Der Hillary. Oh well.... (It could be worse).



At Thu Jan 17, 12:30:00 AM 2008, Blogger Goat said...

Rick, just look at Mitt's life story and you see a first class conservative. I disagree with some positions he had to take in Mass. but his life is a very conservative model, big happy successful family, business man and leader, two years out of his young life as a missionary. When you look at how they have lived their life, who is the most conservative? It is Mitt by far and that means more to me than words on the trail.

At Thu Jan 17, 12:34:00 AM 2008, Blogger Goat said...

BTW, Rick if you moderate the comments why use the screwed up word verify, one or the other but not both, Its a spam filter not a troll filter and blog spam is gone largely.

At Thu Jan 17, 07:52:00 AM 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, word verify is "off"--Thanks

At Sat Jan 19, 02:05:00 AM 2008, Blogger Ron Simpson said...

Rick, I agree with The Goat. Romney has lived conservatively and had to govern in an liberal state. Remember, a governor governs all the people and is subject to recall if he does not do the will of the people. As a Republican governor of a liberal state, he had to make some concessions and cut some deals that would not be prime conservative ideals. But it happens. In government you have to negotiate and do the give and take. As for the flip flop accusation, it seems that only applies to his position on abortion. To which he came over to the majority conservative point of view. And he as not changed back. To me that is not flip flopping. It is a flip. Singular. One change. Not a John F. Kerry change-a-day per audience or a keep your finger in the wind change like Shillary. The question I have for conservatives is this. If a person listens to the pro-life arguments and changes their mind to agree with you, why in the world to you castigate them for changing their mind. THEY DID WHAT YOU WANTED! Seems stupid to harangue the people on your side for having been wrong but are now right. That is not the way to influence people.
The only other iffy thing people have against Romney is his position on assault weapons. And there are plenty of Republicans that have said that machine guns and assault rifles might not be good things to have on the streets. I am not one of them, but it is a valid point of debate. Yet again, look at the state he was governing.

At Sat Jan 19, 05:53:00 AM 2008, Blogger Trader Rick said...

yeah, you're right Ron, (SIGH)


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