It is 6:29 a.m., day one of our isolation, and it is 61.4 degrees out and Patrick is outside barking at stuff.
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Below please find a special message from one of our advertisers. From time to time, we receive opportunities we believe you as a valued customer may want to know about. Please note that the following message does not necessarily reflect the editorial positions of Human Events. |
![]() For two weeks Gold Star Mom Debbie Lee and Blue Star Mom Deborah Johns led a pro-troop caravan of vehicles that traveled more than 4,500 miles across this country in the "Fight for Victory Tour." They held 27 pro-troop rallies in cities across America, with their objective being to stop Senator Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from undermining our troops in Iraq. In a tale akin to David v. Goliath, these two military moms won - and Reid and Pelosi lost!!! As the New York Times admitted in a news story published this past week: "With other war initiatives seemingly headed for the same fate, Senate Democrats, who only two weeks ago proclaimed September to be the month for shifting course in Iraq, conceded that they had little chance of success." Debbie Lee and Deborah Johns are both single moms who gave up two weeks of their lives, away from their families, to join with the pro-troop organization, Move America Forward, and rally the American people to stand behind our troops and their missions in the war on terror. Debbie Lee's son, Marc Alan Lee, was the first Navy Seal killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Deborah John's son, Marine Sgt. William Johns, has proudly served 3 tours of duty in Iraq - and volunteered to go back for a 4th deployment. Now these patriotic women stand ready to fight back from the next round of attacks against our troops and their missions by and their allies in the anti-military Left. and the anti-military left are currently spending MILLIONS of dollars in advertising to beat down the morale of the American people and urge them to turn against the missions of our troops. Now it's time for us to respond with our positive, pro-troop national advertising campaigns! Instead of full-page ads attacking our generals, as purchased by, we have the chance to run full page newspaper ads, and national television ad campaigns, featuring the patriotic, pro-troop message of military moms Debbie Lee and Deborah Johns. >>> We need every person reading this email to pitch in and support this effort with a donation - no matter how small or large of a contribution you can afford to make. How 2 Pro-Troop Moms Spent Their Summer Vacation
Here's a few photographs from the cross-country, pro-troop, trek across this nation. If you want to see stories like this told to the American people then help these military mom's raise the funds to purchase airtime to get their stories told - CLICK HERE TO CONTRIBUTE. ![]() In Las Cruces, New Mexico the pro-troop caravan received a police escort! ![]() Thousands turned out across the country. You'll be surprised but even in San Francisco the crowd was especially enthusiastic!
![]() The Grand Finale: An event at the White House Featuring President Bush, First Lady Laura Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Let's get this positive, pro-troop message out! Do your part to help fund a new national ad campaign that will stand up against and those who speak out against our troops and their missions in the war on terrorism. Here are just two of the many great media stories that were generated by the "Fight for Victory Tour": Media Doesn't Show Whole Picture, Iraq War Vet says Largest Pro-Troop Caravan Makes Stop In North Fayette Twp. Now help us build on this terrific momentum that we've already built, as we fund the national ad campaign to fight back against, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. |
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