It is 5:54 a.m. and 75.4 degrees out. Got up over 90 yesterday; that was not predicted. House Dog is asleep on his afghan. Altho the MSM doesn't want you to know this, there are 27 countries with troops in Iraq, including Japan, Australia and Great Britain. Watched Jihad's speech and ignoring of questions yesterday at Columbia U. Shameful day for the Ivy League, but what the hey? Bollinger ripped Hitler a new asshole, with him watching just a few yards away. It was great! Called him "Evil" at least twice, and a "Petty cruel Dictator" and "ridiculous". The President pointed out that it was bad manners to insult your guest, and it was. But he deserves it. Somebody must have got to Bollinger. His speech sounded like Condi Rice wrote it. Hmmmm. Hitler avoided answering EVERY SINGLE QUESTION, in his normal absurd fashion. After not even addressing the topic of his first question, the moderator asked it again and asked for a yes or no answer. The president replied with a question, and the mod answered with the requested yes or no answer from the president, then, inexplicably, didn't demand the same. He was over his head here. Most of what President Hitler said was just meandering Bullshit and lies. When asked about his recent statement about wiping Israel off the map, he just launched into a history lesson about Palestine. The usually unflappable dictator did make one big mistake when backed into a corner: "THERE ARE NO HOMOS IN IRAN!" Well, yeah, duh, you hanged them all.... Hunter Thompson, I mean Duncan Hunter let his mouth get the best of him, when he said he'd introduce legislation to strip Columbia U. of federal funds. Dagnabit! The use of Federal Funds to coerce people into towing the line is so WRONG I don't know where to start. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!! ok, RANT OVER. Wonderful to see that Jennie Garth is on Daancing With The Stars. She is still on our Top Ten List of Beaaaaaautiful Hollywood Actresses. (I didn't do that A thing, it's this keyboard, and I for one am getting damned tired of going back and fixing those.) She sure looked good, hope she learns to dance a little better... OK, so from Patriot Post: “’I don’t feel no ways tired. I come too far from where I started from. Nobody told me that the road would be easy. I don’t believe He brought me this far,’ drawled presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton, mimicking black voice to a black audience, at the First Baptist Church of Selma, Alabama. I’m wondering if Mrs. Clinton visits an Indian reservation she might cozy up to them saying, ‘How! Me not tired. Me come heap long way. Road mighty rough. Sky Spirit no bring me this far.’ Or, seeking the Asian vote she might say, ‘I no wray tired. Come too far I started flum. Road berry clooked. Number one Dragon King take me far’.” —Walter Williams
What a tool that Bitch is!!
Bollinger simply realized what a huge PR mistake it was to invite Amadwhackjob to Columbia and was trying to appease those who objected. He was simply in full CYA mode.
Duncan Hunter may have gone a tad overboard, but he is on the right track. I don't pay taxes to pay for an anti-American dictator to bash America.
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