Monday, July 16, 2007


It is 7:40 am edt and 63.2 degrees F. Pastrick got up and is now safely esconced with Junior downstairs deep into his second shift of sleeping.

Nothing to say today, so I'll shut my pie hole.

Random photos.

OK, so here's my blog from one year ago today:

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Staff Sgt. Paul S. Pabla, 23, died Monday, July 3, 2006, after the attack in the northern city of Mosul while he was on a foot patrol. He was a member of the Kempton-based 139th Field Artillery but was deployed in Iraq with the 150th Field Artillery , Indiana Army National Guard.

I attended his funeral Saturday. I didn't know him, but felt the need to be on hand in case the weidos from Kansas showed up to test Indiana's new law that prohibits demonstrations at Military funerals closer than 500 feet.

Upon entering the High School grounds, one drove under an Immense Flag, held up by a hook and ladder truck.As it turns out, my feeble presence surely wasn't needed, for as I was directed into the High School parking lot, there, chrome gleaming in the 95 degree heat, were over a 125 (by my count) shiny Harley Davidsons and Hondas, parked neatly in four columns, stretching the legnth of a football field. And lining the route to the rear parking where the funeral procession vehicles were staged, were about 150 members, both men and women of the Patriot Guard Riders, each at Parade Rest, and carrying a 3' x5' American flag on 8' wooden Pole--every one of them! It was an awe-inspiring sight, and would bring tears to your eyes if you could have seen it. Well, some of you perhaps.

This coalition of various veterans and motorcycle clubs was founded to shield the families of veterans from having to witness the shameful shenanigans of the anti-Christ group from Kansas that demonstrates at KIA Soldiers' funerals. They are non-confrontational and their aim merely is to block the demonstrators from view.

So, seeing all that, I figured I could go inside and attend the services. Just before I entered the building, there was a flyover missing-man formation by some jet fighters... Outside, unbeknownst to me, the protestors did show up, with their bitch-lawyer leader, and about 5 or 6 moron followers. She was wearing the flag as a skirt and one jerk in her group put a flag on the ground and walked back and forth over it, from reports I got from the guards later. I'm glad I wasn't there to see that, but so glad of what I did see.

This event was a much bigger deal than the funeral of our fallen Marine from N. Manchester, up the road; in part I suppose because Sergeant Pabla was an Indiana National Guardsman.

Inside, the auditorium was full. Seats for at least 400 by my estimates. Representatives from the Indian Community were present in turbans and veils. A contingent of Paramedics stood by. Lots and Lots of Guardsmen in Uniform. Some Air Force types in uniform on hand filming and taking photos.

The Honor Guard, one by one, in turn, gave final honors to the casket in a slow salute. There were the usual eulogies, and,

Governor Mitch Daniels gave a moving Speach.

Major General Umbarger, the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana presented the Pabla Family with a Purple Heart and Bronze Star for Merit. The Commander of the 2/150th Field Artillery Battalion, a LT COL spoke. We sang Amazing Grace.

Leaving the parking lot in the funeral procession was like being in a parade. The city streets were lined with citizens waving flags, displaying flags to us, and saluting with their hands over their hearts. It was very moving.

Once we got out of town, the five mile route to the cemetery was LINED WITH LITTLE FLAGS.

The were twenty feet apart, both sides of the county roads, for FIVE MILES.

All the cross roads were blocked by police or volunteer firemen. The little flags led right into the cemetery. There were thousands of them.

At just about every farm house, the family had taken down their flag and were there at the end of their lanes, showing us their flag. I was in tears the whole way.

One farmhouse even had a giganitc American Flag suspended across the front --easily thirty by twenty feet.

Luckily there was a ball park near the cemetery to hold the overflow of cars.

The Patriot Guards invited me to join them and so I stood in ranks with them, at Parade Rest, holding my big flag. Quite a site, all these guys (and mommas), mostly in jeans and doo-rags, black leather vests with their MC colors and embroidered patches (one of which read "Jane Fonda-Traitor bitch") Most of these guys are veterans.

One guy, dropped with a THUD, from the heat. Did I mention it was 97 degrees? The paramedics took care of him quickly.

I was glad to hear "dismissed" as the heat was getting to all of us old farts, I think.

I missed seeing/hearing the ceremony at the gravesite, due to being in ranks with the Patriot

Guard Riders, but would not have missed this type of opportunity and honor to display our respect for a fallen vetrean , for anything.

I will never forget this afternoon.

It's personal.



At Tue Jul 17, 12:56:00 AM 2007, Blogger Goat said...

Attention!!!Hand over heart picturing it!


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