This National Spellin' Bee biznuss has us stumped. Fully 90% of the words these kids have to spell are FOREIGN WORDS. No, not derived from FOREIGN WORDS, actual FOREIGN WORDS. Are thse kids so smart that they have memorized the entire unabridged English Dictionary, so to see who is best they have to go to FOREIGN LANGUAGES? And if that's the case what is the point? The runner up girl, got five FRENCH words in a row, a language she studies. Really lucky, eh? But the GERMAN word tripped her up. The contest seemed to favor obscure proper nouns from the PERSIAN. What's up with that?. Sadly, this deal has become a joke...
You have got to be kidding? I didn't know they were going foreign. I guess knowing English words is not trendy enough so we need to go shopping for French ones and be "P.C." and learn Persian ones...I didn't realize it had become uncool to be able to spell M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i.
HOw come I have to do that screwy word verification on my own darn blog? ANd I never get em on the first try.wqijj
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