It is 5:28 p.m. Junior is at work and Patrick is here with me, awake, but struggling with it.
Summer is officially here at the dogyard. The big dogs are one huge chorus of panting today, and the upstairs of the house is hot.
Adretti Junior-Junior lost the Indy 500 by six tenths or hundreds of a second, anyway just a half-car length. Rookie mistake, he should have blocked the last minute pass.
Junior and Stephen reported seeing some stange-lights-in-the sky type UFO's over the highway the other nite. Just a few miles east of my Lost Time Intersection, and not far from where the little bastards let me have a brief glimpse of the Mother Ship.
Rebecca's Pepper Dennis has one of the smokin' hottest bods in Hollywood as we all know from X-men and her skimpy Bikini scenes in her new show. But I wonder if the producers told her when she signed on that thy were going to cast not just one but TWO babes just as hot, and cuter than her? Can she sue?
It's over ninety outside and 74 downstairs and 85 up here. That's too hot. It's too early in the year for this shit.
Now that the world's sexiest siren, Angelina, has sucked all the manhood out of her wife Bradley and given birth to a white baby, will she toss away this embarrassing wimp? For joe-sixpack to be pussy-whipped by Jolie is one thing but a rich movie star guy with more money than God, who could have his pick from hundreds of World class models and actresses? Does he have any balls left? We'll see.
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