
My buddies didn't die face down in the muck so that some traitor panty-waist assholes could force us to take down all our crosses....
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Sit Tebow
1. Bourbon Meyer

Perhaps the most manly of the beverages, this one is a southern specific gatortailgating.com favorite and deserves the top spot on the list.
Bourbon Meyer
3 parts Sweet Tea
1 part Jim Beam
This drink depends on the sweet tea being real, southern, brewed tea with sugar added to it, not the Nestea or powder derived versions you get in jugs. Southern sweet tea is a different beast than its northern brethren and the syrupy goodness of this concoction just isn’t the same with brown iced tea flavored water. You mix this drink over ice, put a lemon in it if you wish, and enjoy a drink as classy as the coach it was named for. Granted, the mix (as Rusty will attest to) does start to weigh more heavily towards the Jim Beam side as the day progresses, but does that really hurt it? Nope, just hurts you in the best way possible. Though it may not show your colors with every sip, once you get it in you in large enough amounts, the gator in you comes out.
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