Tuesday, January 13, 2009



RK Team REC PRV High/Low Comment
1 13-1 1 1/7

Final Score: 28.98. And it's not even close. Only three teams had seven wins over teams that finished with winning records; Florida had nine, and almost had 10 with Hawaii finishing at .500 after a bowl loss.

Final Score: 28.98. And it's not even close. Only three teams had seven wins over teams that finished with winning records; Florida had nine, and almost had 10 with Hawaii finishing at .500 after a bowl loss. The point differential score was No. 1 by a long shot, with Oklahoma finishing with a 3.73 score and Florida at 4.3. The great schedule, with the wins over all the good teams, doesn't even include Tennessee or Arkansas in the final score. This was the best team in the country that had the best season by a huge margin.

Team: Home | Stats | Schedule
2 12-2 1 1/6

Final Score: 25.59. The Sooners managed to finish No. 2 because of its offense, that set the record for a season with 716 points, to be the difference by a razor-thin margin over Texas. Don't discount all the great wins over terrific TCU and Cincinnati teams, to go along with the wins over Texas Tech, Missouri and Nebraska.

Final Score: 25.59. The Sooners managed to finish No. 2 because of its offense, that set the record for a season with 716 points, to be the difference by a razor-thin margin over Texas. Don't discount all the great wins over terrific TCU and Cincinnati teams, to go along with the wins over Texas Tech, Missouri and Nebraska. Remember, at least theoretically, a team could still be No. 2 after losing the championship game.

Team: Home | Stats | Schedule
3 12-1 1 1/9

Final Score: 25.24. It might not seem fair, but since these rankings are based on the seasons the teams had, and with Oklahoma winning the Big 12 title, Texas barely finishes in the No. 3 spot.

Final Score: 25.24. It might not seem fair, but since these rankings are based on the seasons the teams had, and with Oklahoma winning the Big 12 title, Texas barely finishes in the No. 3 spot. While the seven wins over bowl teams was impressive, also worthy of note are the Bad Wins ... there aren't any. The least impressive win on the board was against UTEP; that's not all that bad.

Team: Home | Stats | Schedule
4 13-0 1 4/23

Final Score: 23.56. In the end, the Utes weren't even close to the top three, finishing well behind Texas in the final standings. The four Bad Wins, having one less Quality Win, and the Point Differential Score, the third lowest of anyone in the top ten and the third lowest in the top six, proved costly.

Final Score: 23.56. In the end, the Utes weren't even close to the top three, finishing well behind Texas in the final standings. The four Bad Wins, having one less Quality Win, and the Point Differential Score, the third lowest of anyone in the top ten and the third lowest in the top six, proved costly. Even so, there was a win over an Oregon State team that beat USC, and it's hard to argue against an unbeaten season with wins over TCU and Alabama.

Team: Home | Stats | Schedule
5 12-1 2 1/9

Final Score: 23.13. The Trojans finished outside of the top four because they had only one Elite Win: Penn State. Otherwise, they were this close to getting past Utah but weren't even close to being in the top three, because there weren't enough wins over top teams.

Final Score: 23.13. The Trojans finished outside of the top four because they had only one Elite Win: Penn State. Otherwise, they were this close to getting past Utah but weren't even close to being in the top three, because there weren't enough wins over top teams. Playing in a conference with half the teams coming up with clunker seasons didn't help considering all the bowl teams Florida ended up facing.

Team: Home | Stats | Schedule
6 12-1 3 3/20

Final Score: 21.42. The Broncos should probably be lower considering they lost to TCU by one in the Poinsettia Bowl, but they beat five bowl teams and came up with a great win at Oregon that put them just outside of top five.

Final Score: 21.42. The Broncos should probably be lower considering they lost to TCU by one in the Poinsettia Bowl, but they beat five bowl teams and came up with a great win at Oregon that put them just outside of top five. The Point Differential Score was tremendous thanks to a scoring defense that was the third best in America. Outside of a late rally from Nevada and the 37-32 win over the Ducks, no one else came close to beating Chris Petersen's club until the bowl game.

Team: Home | Stats | Schedule
7 12-2 1 1/16

Final Score: 20.08. Remember, 'Bama was supposed to be good, and then next year, possibly 2010, was when it was supposed to be BCS Championship-caliber good. Of course, closing out with losses to Florida and Utah ended things with a thud, but this was still a breakthrough season with a dominant win at Georgia and nice wins over Clemson and Ole Miss.

Final Score: 20.08. Remember, 'Bama was supposed to be good, and then next year, possibly 2010, was when it was supposed to be BCS Championship-caliber good. Of course, closing out with losses to Florida and Utah ended things with a thud, but this was still a breakthrough season with a dominant win at Georgia and nice wins over Clemson and Ole Miss. However, there weren't all that many great wins considering most of the SEC was so mediocre, and the non-conference season, outside of the opener against Clemson, was hardly challenging.

Team: Home | Stats | Schedule
8 11-2 6 8/24

Final Score: 19.50. One of the nation's most dominating defenses was the difference in a fantastic year. There was a 35-10 loss to Oklahoma, but the pass rush did a better job than anyone else of getting to Sam Bradford, and the 35 points allowed tied Texas for the fewest given up to the Sooners before the BCS Championship.

Final Score: 19.50. One of the nation's most dominating defenses was the difference in a fantastic year. There was a 35-10 loss to Oklahoma, but the pass rush did a better job than anyone else of getting to Sam Bradford, and the 35 points allowed tied Texas for the fewest given up to the Sooners before the BCS Championship. The other loss was at Utah, helped by a few missed kicks. There was a stretch of six games when TCU allowed seven points in five of the games (the OU loss was the other), including a 32-7 trashing of BYU. The 17-16 win over Boise State in the Poinsettia Bowl put a great cap on another great season for Gary Patterson's underappreciated program.

Team: Home | Stats | Schedule
9 11-2 1 2/15

Final Score: 19.42. All the points and the slew of decent Big 12 wins, along with the season-changing victory over Texas, kept the Red Raiders in the top 10 despite the Cotton Bowl loss to Ole Miss.

Final Score: 19.42. All the points and the slew of decent Big 12 wins, along with the season-changing victory over Texas, kept the Red Raiders in the top 10 despite the Cotton Bowl loss to Ole Miss. It's Texas Tech, so there were plenty of non-conference cream-puffs (Eastern Washington, SMU and UMass), but there was a good win over Nevada. In conference play, Tech was able to get by Nebraska and Kansas from the North and throttled Oklahoma State from the South.

Team: Home | Stats | Schedule
10 11-2 2 2/17

Final Score: 19.29. While this might seem sort of low for a team that was an Iowa field goal away from playing for the national title, Penn State only had one really impressive win, Ohio State, and two good wins over Oregon State and Michigan State, and there were several wins over lousy teams.


At Tue Jan 13, 09:57:00 PM 2009, Blogger Goat said...

The Gators deserve it, they played inspired football after their loss. I love how these things always talk down the SEC even though we are and have been the toughest conference for a very long time. I was embarrased for my Tide but Utah flat out wanted it more and it showed.


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