Sunday, October 05, 2008



OK, so i have tried to post a reply twice now on a previous post and both times blogger went poof and it vanished. Since it's kind of interesting I'll do it here. In anguish, I wrote my reply in word, hope it works. Here's the comment:

I agree that Gwen should have disclosed the book, perhaps even excused herself, but it's not like the book was a secret. She discussed it in the Washing Post last month and it's been available for pre-order on Amazon for a long while.

In the end this is simply another case of the McCain camp failing to do it's homework. They demonstrated it with Gwen Iffil, and they demonstrated it by picking a VP candidate who has more baggage than can safely be stored on a 747 (she even lied during the debate about divesting interests tied to the Sudanese government, I imagine that's getting a lot of play on Fox News).

I admit at one time I was a fan of John McCain, and hated the tactics war-dodging George W. Bush used against him back in 2000. But that McCain, that maverick is long gone. Based on his lack of judgement in picking a clearly unqualified VP, how he is conducting his campaign, and his failure to support enhanced benefits for veterans time and time again, I could never support him.

As for me, I'm as new to the political scene as you are naive if you rely solely on Fox news. I'd love some examples where they have covered both sides, where there have been truly fair and balanced. As for me I get my news from numerous sources... Cable, Radio, Print. Etc.

Here is an example of some of Fox's famous unbias:

Finally, after browsing your blog, I noticed there are lots of pretty ladies highlighted in your various posts. I hope that's not the reason Palin/McCain is getting your vote.

Sat Oct 04, 07:13:00 PM 2008

Here's my reply:

Third Attempt:

  1. If Sarah Palin has a plane full of baggage (which she doesn’t) then Barrack has a fleet. If you live in a closet, you must not have heard about Rev. GD Amerikkk Wright and his catholic buddy, Mobster Tony Rezko, Unrepentant Terrorist Buddy Bill Ayers, no flag pins, no saluting the flag, call me if you need me, I vote present, continual lying, wife who is ashamed of America, cut and run in War on Terror, sweetheart real estate deal, getting all his opponents knocked off ballot, Columbian/Harvard education, Muslim upbringing, Marxist college pals, and on and on and on and on. WHEW!!
  2. Sen. McCain use GREAT judgement in picking Palin, and experienced reformer who is charismatic, smart and savy. The libtards are scared to death of her and her TRUTH. Barrack , on the other hand picked a doofus plagiarizer who thinks FDR was president when the market crashed in ’29 and went on TV to talk about it. YIKES!

  1. Gov. Palin is way more experienced and qualified to be president than Barrack—look at the resumes. And off resume—Common sense and experience trumps book learnin’ and stupidity any day. OH YEAH!

  1. We AGREE with you that there are flaws in the way McCain is conducting his campaign. He is accepting Federal Funds, even tho Barack broke his word on that deal. He is conducting an honorabale campaign without the lies, distortion and smear tactics that Barrack is approving of. John, there is no honor in politics, why be so obstinent on it? COME ON!

  1. If you think the MSM is not in the tank, as they say, for the democrats, then you have a real problem with reality perception. You ARE kidding right? Fox is fair and balanced—the liberal networks, don’t dare to present the truth, their candidates would be laughed out of congress. YUP!

  1. We ADMIRE bright and pretty ladies who have the guts to stand up against the people and issues who are trying to transform America into a godless Marxist cultureless hell-hole. That includes Gov. Sarah Palin, Rep. Michelle Bacchman, Elizabeth Hasslebeck, Lauara Ingraham, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Laura Bush, Elizabeth Dole and a host of others. If looking at images of smart attractive ladies offends you, that you have my sympathies. OH MY!!

OK, so what have we got here? You come down on the dumb side of 5 out of 6 issues. Eh, not so good. Study up, then come back with facts and logic. Oops, that won’t work, then you’d be on OUR side. Don’t know what to tell you. Have a nice day?

By the way, if you don't like to look at photos of beautiful women, make sure you miss today's coconut girl. She is our idol: She can cook, and she owns a boat and motor!!


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