Thursday, October 02, 2008


It is 5:20 and 48 degrees out. Patrick and Junior are asleep.


If Gwen Iffil did not disclose, as is reported, her huge financial stake in Obama's election as president to the Debate Committee, then that is a gross derelict of journalistic duty and a vile corruption of moral ethics.

In any case,


To have a In-the-Tank Obama Supporter "moderate" the VP Debate is a travesty, and those involved should be ashamed.


BTW, did you see that doddering old fool last night in the Senate showing blown up photos of Train Wrecks and calling for more money for God-Knows-What? WTF??????? In the middle of the debate over the Bailout?

At least he was THERE, which is more that we can say for our AWOL House of Representatives.

This whole bunch ought to be turned out of office, dems and reps alike. Let's start over. These people are silly idiots or worse, commie-bastards. Hey don't look at me that way, I don't make this stuff up, I just tell it like it is. Open your freakin eyes! Disgraceful!!

Have a nice day.



At Sat Oct 04, 11:46:00 AM 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, if she was so in the tank for Obama why the heck did he pick Gwen Iffil in the first place? Did McCain vett her with same diligence as Palin? Give me a break.

At Sat Oct 04, 05:04:00 PM 2008, Blogger Trader Rick said...

You're not serious, right? Who is the "he" you are referring to??? Palin was vetted with due diligence, you are right there.

Gwen did not disclose her book to the committee that picked her, whose partial title is the "Age of Obama" as if he were a world Leader who had great influence on the history of his era, reaching to every facet of culture, when if fact, up until now he is realatively unimportant. Such ridiculous arrogance. Yeah, I'd say that qualifies as being in the tank!!--considering she stands to make hundreds of thousands of dollars on the book when it is published on Inaugeration day only if Osama is elected. Otherwise, she gets zip.

You need to keep informed on these things. I suggest Fox News-- They present both sides of stories unlike the MSM and the other cable "news" channels. Good Luck, you sound new to the scene of politics.

At Sat Oct 04, 07:13:00 PM 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that Gwen should have disclosed the book, perhaps even excused herself, but it's not like the book was a secret. She discussed it in the Washing Post last month and it's been available for pre-order on Amazon for a long while.

In the end this is simply another case of the McCain camp failing to do it's homework. They demonstrated it with Gwen Iffil, and they demonstrated it by picking a VP candidate who has more baggage than can safely be stored on a 747 (she even lied during the debate about divesting interests tied to the Sudanese government, I imagine that's getting a lot of play on Fox News).

I admit at one time I was a fan of John McCain, and hated the tactics war-dodging George W. Bush used against him back in 2000. But that McCain, that maverick is long gone. Based on his lack of judgement in picking a clearly unqualified VP, how he is conducting his campaign, and his failure to support enhanced benefits for veterans time and time again, I could never support him.

As for me, I'm as new to the political scene as you are naive if you rely solely on Fox news. I'd love some examples where they have covered both sides, where there have been truly fair and balanced. As for me I get my news from numerous sources... Cable, Radio, Print. Etc.

Here is an example of some of Fox's famous unbias:

Finally, after browsing your blog, I noticed there are lots of pretty ladies highlighted in your various posts. I hope that's not the reason Palin/McCain is getting your vote.

At Sun Oct 05, 08:52:00 AM 2008, Blogger Trader Rick said...

1. If Sarah has a planeload of "baggage", Obama has a fleet of planes full. Or maybe you have not heard about Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezco, no flag pins, don't salute the flag, Wife is ashamed of USA, all those present votes, call me if you need me, cut and run in the War on Terror, lies and more lies, sweetheart mortgage deal, marxist youth, smoking cigarettes, Columbia/Harvard education, and on and on and on. Check out his background.

2.McCain used Great judgement in picking Palin--she scares the libtards to death--much better pick than Obama--a doddering old man who thinks FDR was president in 1929 and went on TV??? Come on.

3. Sarah is far more qualified than Barack to be president. His big experience ticket is running for presient. You know it, I know it, now the Americn people know it.

4. I agree with you that McCain is making some mistakaes in the way he is running his campaign--taking Federal money as promised, unlike Barrack who broke his word, taking the high road instead of spreading lies about his opponent as Barrack is. There is no honor in politics, Joh, why do you insist on it?

5. If you think the MSM is not way way in the tank for the democrats, you have serious reality perception problems, or perhaps a more deep seated reason exists for that kind offantasy. I suggest therapy. Do y ou toss and turn alot at night?

6. We ADMIRE brainy beautiful women, who can hold their own against Marxist/Socialist politicians--like Sarah Palin, Elizabeith Hasselbeck, Michelle Bachmann, Michelle Malkin, Laura Ingraham, Megyn Kelly, Ann Coulter. If that offends you, too bad.

At Sun Oct 05, 12:03:00 PM 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotcha. I know exactly where you are coming from now. Like Fox News your rebuttal was "fair and balanced." Yeah right.

It doesn't matter that the charges you leveled against Barack are trumped up, and have been pretty much disproved, outside the fantasyland of Fox News. I could address them item by item but it would be a waste of my time, and yours. You failed to respond to any of my points, because you only see and hear what you want to see and hear and anything that upsets that applecart puts your skewed world view even more out of balance and puts you on the attack.

I would guess that you are probably a sexist. Perhaps possibly a racist. You fall back on ad hominem and personal attacks against me when I have been nothing but be civil to you. It's clear you don't do any research (it's MSN not MSM), and most likely get ALL of your news from Fox and the pulpit no doubt.

I'm sorry but you are what I classify as a lost cause. I don't expect you to post this... Conservatives are often the first to cry free speech and this is a free country, and are of then the first to suppress it.

I'm heading off to see Sarah Palin now. She is visiting the Bay Area and want to give her a warm welcome. You want me to try and get her phone number?

Good luck to you.

At Mon Oct 06, 07:06:00 AM 2008, Blogger Trader Rick said...

OK, folks, see how this troll accuses me of attacking him personally and then calls me sexist and racist? He has to resort to this kind of stuff--it 's what all the Libtards do when backed in a corner, having been stripped of their dignity by the Truth.

"Trumped up" charges? You are in denial. We HEARD him talk about his flag pin, and SAW his refusal to salute the flag, and SAW Rev. Wright say what he said and, Oh what's the use--you have no grasp of reality. We don't disrespect liberals who have an honest disagreement with us, but you are a really poor representative of them. I'd quit blogging if I were you until you gain a little better perspective, or experience, or maturity. You are embarassing your cause. That's my ad hominem argument for you. Your party picked the worst possible slimy politician and you know it.

And it IS MSM --Main Stream Media--altho that term is becoming obsolete as people are leaving them in droves.

Sorry you hate Fox--kind of shitty that you libtards have had the mdeia all to your little left wing selves all these decades, and no;w the TRUTH is being told on a daily basis-- eh Fairness doctrine dudes?

Crawl back under your rock, and don't come back here with your crude and vulger comments about Gov. Palin. You be banned, little boy.


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