Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Old thing...

It is 8:28 a.m. and 67.7 with a prediction to go to 93 degrees. Patrick and Junior in their room, Boarder in hers. (Day 166).

Michael Moore's (and Fowler's) giggling reference to God punishing Republicans with a Hurricane is disgusting; Won't somebody please Bitch Slap this clown on National TV (metaphorically) Or really, either way.

Bring it on, asshats democrats! The more you asttack this unfortunate 17 year old, the more you reveal your mean spirited base immmorality....

Read Daily Kos report about Sarah Palin's false pregnancy to hide her daughter's. Actually they made a plausible circum Shucks, no convention last night.

stantial case, altho their photos did NOT back it up. Now we find the daughter really is pregnant, now. Doesn't smell good...

I didn't do that transference of clauses...

ON THE RED CARPET FASHION REPORT:Cindy McCain looked SUPER HOT at the GOP convention last night--hair up with curly strands framing her face--didn't dig the dress tho.

Watched a REAL exciting game on the tube last night. Uck-lah defeats 19th ranked Vols 27-24 in overtime with a field goal. I was going to root for Fhat Phi'ls team out of loyalty to the SEC, but Junior convinced me Tennessee is our rival for both the National Championship as well as the SEC championship and Tourney, so it was great to root against them. Devoured Junior's patented Tacos during game with Grape Soda and Vodka. Yum-Yum!!! Patrick went wild during the game as is his wont--he really gets excited at the touchdowns. Also got to sing our favorite tune,

F__k You, Rocky top! Rocky Top Tennessee!! every time they screwed up...


Zuma, our favorite morose atheist Jihadist is at it again. Any Geocacher who can spot the Hypocrisy in his post, let me know and I'll give you a smiley on one of my super secret sock puppet outlaw caches...

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Location: Indiana, United States
zuma! requested Indiana Spirit Quest #632:

1 out of 3 Aint So Gud (Unknown Cache) to

be archived at 9/1/2008

Log Date: 9/1/2008
This cache needs to be archived or modified

to remove the right wing political rhetoric.

Especially troubling is this sentence from the cache page:

"Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces

standing in harm’s way around the world,

and for their families, especially those of our

fallen Soldiers, Sailors,

Airmen, Marines and Coast

Guardsmen, who have died in defense

of American liberty while

prosecuting the war with Jihadistan."

Please note that Groundspeak guidelines say this:

"Solicitations are off-limits.

For example, caches perceived to be posted for religious,

political, charitable or

social agendas are not permitted.

Geocaching is supposed to be a light,

fun activity, not a platform for an agenda."

Any paragraph that includes a made up right

wing word like "Jihadistan" and urges

folks to pray is in violation of Groundspeak rules.

Please archive or modify.

I would also like to see the two, count em two,

requests to "Support Our Troops"

removed.[emphasis added]

While supporting men of honor is a reasonable thing

some folks may object to the Commander and Chief [sic]

authorizing torture of prisoners at Gitmo,

and may chose not to support that.

Again, geocaching is not about politics, so all

this political rhetoric needs to be removed.

Visit this log entry at the below address:

Visit Indiana Spirit Quest #632: 1 out of 3 Aint So Gud

Profile for zuma!:

My logged reply:

September 2 by SixDogTeam (1366 found)
have complied with the request and have edited the description to
delete the word that may be offensive to people who don't support the
War on Global Terrorism, as well as the exhortations to pray for our
troops so as not to offend people against prayer or against supporting
our troops. We don't know why there is a comment in reference to the
tired Left Wing meme concerning the President authorizing torture, so
we cannot respond to that except to say that posts should not contain
Left Wing Rhetoric. Geocaching should be a light and fun activity.
--Lead Dog
[view/edit logs/images on a separate page]





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