Boy, were we disappointed in the Chosen One's Speech at the Barackopolis! Sure, he delivered it well, and got the commies and the sheeples all riled up--but it won't be remembered like his 2004 speech--I was really expecting something spectacular, he is capable of it, but no, it was just a boring rehash of his campaign stump speech. Not as good as either of the Clintons' or Michelle's for that matter.
After about a dozen OUTRIGHT LIES, I started counting them. Got to 47 and quit--was getting a headache.
That speech could have been given by anyone at any democrat/socialist convention in the last thirty years.
Lost Opportunity for The One.
And after Sen. John McCain's classy advert congratulating his holiness on being the first mulatto to get a major party nomination, and on an historic anniversary to boot, this doodah disses McCain in a mean spirited way. To quote Hillary, "Shame on you, Barack O'Bama."
Liked the Fireworks, tho.
Will he get a big boost in the polls for this theatre? You bet.
He already got a six point boost before the speech, if you believe Gallup.
Just goes to prove once more that Democracy is futile among a bread and circus, ignorant know-nothing electorate.
I was really expecting an historic speech, an answer to King's Dream Speech. "King had a dream. I AM that Dream!!!!" Or something.
Just the same old crap, nothing inspiring here--except this boy is really scary--It's all- "make the government bigger, make it HUGE, re-distribute the wealth, fuck the rich people, strip them of their ill-gotten gains!"
It 's really embarrassing for the coloreds that this snake-oil salesman has to represent them...
Again, our picks:
1. Colin Powell
2. Condaleeza Rice
3. Kay Bailey Hutchinson
4. Angelina Jolie Voight
5. Mitt Romney
Since the first two on our list are probably not available, we're going with:
If it's Sarah, we're down with that!!! Hope and Change!!!
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