It is 8:08 a.m. and Patrick and Junior asleep in his room and Boarder in hers with cats. Michelle did a GREAT job with her speech last night. It wasn't a spell binder and contained no cool catch phrases, but was good and delivered well. Whoever wrote it did OK. I still see her as a sixties radical racist elitist however, so it didn't soften my view of her, but it was an emotional event--I'm sure the Obamites were moved to tears. You go girl. Speaking of the convention, what's with those huge RED STARS hanging from the outside of the convention hall? Am I the only one that's noticed them? Our stars are WHITE, it's the commies' stars that are RED... One of the fox reporters had a great line about "Hugo is not available and Che Guevara is dead"--I can't remember what he was referring to, but it sure is nice to have a rightwing network and to boot--the only one that allows the opposing viewpoint to have their say on a consistent basis. Fox, fair and balanced, with a Pro-American viewpoint--it's so cool!!! And their policy that all the reporterettes have to be Intelligent Hotties makes it all the better. Megyn Kelly for VP!!! Speaking of VP, now that Lord Obama has flubbed his most important decision to date, I wonder who McCain will choose? We've got out money on the Mittster. But our revised wish list, in order is: 1. Colin Powell
2. Condaleeza Rice
3. Kay Baily Hutchinson
4. Angelina Jolie Voight
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