“Here’s a story that may not have been deemed ‘Fit to Print’: In the six months that ended Sept. 25, The New York Times’ daily circulation was down another 4.51 percent to about a million readers a day. The paper’s Sunday circulation was down 7.59 percent to about 1.5 million readers. In short, The Times is dropping faster than Hillary in New Hampshire... One can only hope that none of the Democratic presidential candidates are among the disaffected hordes lining up to cancel their Times subscriptions. The Times is so accustomed to lying about the news to prove that ‘most Americans’ agree with The Times, that it seems poised to lead the Democrats—and any Republicans stupid enough to believe The Times—down a primrose path to their own destruction... On Sunday, Times readers learned that despite this year’s historic revolt of normal Americans against amnesty for illegal aliens: ‘Some polls show that the majority of Americans agree with proposals backed by most Democrats in the Senate, as well as some Republicans, to establish a path to citizenship for immigrants here illegally.’ Was the reporter who wrote that sentence the Darfur bureau chief for the past year? By ‘some polls,’ I gather he means ‘a show of hands during a meeting of the Times’ editorial board’ or ‘a quick backstage survey in the MSNBC greenroom.’ As I believe Americans made resoundingly clear this year, the only ‘path to citizenship’ they favor involves making an application from Norway, waiting a few years and then coming over when it’s legal... The Times disregards all of that history to announce that it has secret polls showing that Americans support a ‘path to citizenship’ for illegals after all! These polls are living in the shadows!” —Ann Coulter
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