The New York Times is doing their best to redefine TREASON with a new low(even for them). Their on-line BLOG is soliciting ways and means for terrorists to attack us. Send us your ideas. Is this sick? What will it take for us to bring some of these characters, running what has now become a sleezy rag, to justice???
From Newsmax, part of a story on Osama Obama's "Church" in Chicago, where they dress in African Garb and hate White Men:
Several prior remarks by Obama's pastor have caught the media's attention:
Bush's Bulls--t
Wright's strong sentiments were echoed in the Sunday morning service attended by NewsMax.
Wright laced into America's establishment, blaming the "white arrogance" of America's Caucasian majority for the woes of the world, especially the oppression suffered by blacks. To underscore the point he refers to the country as the "United States of White America." Many in the congregation, including Obama, nodded in apparent agreement as these statements were made.
The sermon also addressed the Iraq war, a frequent area of Wright's fulminations.
"Young African-American men," Wright thundered, were "dying for nothing." The "illegal war," he shouted, was "based on Bush's lies" and is being "fought for oil money."
In a sermon filled with profanity, Wright also blamed the war on "Bush administration bulls--t."
Those are the types of statements that have led to MSNBC's Tucker Carlson describing Wright as "a full-blown hater."
Wright first came to national attention in 1984, when he visited Castro's Cuba and Col. Muammar Gaddafi's Libya.
Wright's Libyan visit came three years after a pair of Libyan fighter jets fired on American aircraft over international waters in the Mediterranean Sea, and four years before the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland — which resulted in the deaths of 259 passengers and crew. The U.S. implicated Gaddafi and his intelligence services in the bombing.
In recent years, Wright has focused his diatribe on America's war on terror and the U.S. occupation of Iraq...
Labels: Delusional traitors
I will agree with Wright on the Holloway fiasco and what young black girls are subject to daily, other than that he is a nutburger.
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