It is 8:17 a.m. and rainy, temp is 77.0 and predicted to reach 94. Humidity is 134%. Patrick is snoozing downstairs with Junior. From The American Legion, The Magazine for a Strong America, August 2007: The average 7-year-old North Korean boy is eight inches shorter, 20 pounds lighter, and has a 10-year-shorter life expectancy than his 7-year-old counterpart in South Korea..." --James Morris, Director of the World Food Program, 2002-2007 I wish the socialists and commies in the democrat leaderhip could read this so they would know the results of non-capitalist totalitarian societies. The Koreas are such a stark contrast between Freedom and Communism. The Pelosis and Reids are taking us there, the bastards! And anybody with half a brain that is following them should hang their head in shame--or move to Cuber!! (Rant ends) Interesting Quote: Life, liberty and... regulation?: “With regard to media consolidation, the rules were relaxed too much. Anti-trust law should apply. I think we shouldn’t have abandoned the fairness law; if a media outlet were pushing a particular political point of view... then you had a right to demand the opposite point of view. The airwaves belong to the public, not to anybody, particularly not to Fox News. But having said all that, the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal is even more right wing and irrational than most of the commentators on Fox News. And completely predictable... it’s like Pavlov’s dogs.” —First Lady hopeful Bill Clinton on Rupert Murdoch’s takeover of the WSJ
Former Sex Fiend President continues to an insufferable asshole...
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