Wednesday, August 02, 2006


It's 6:44 a.m. and Junior has gone downstairs to sleep in the parlor and Mr. Patrick has dutifully followed him.

The Jews are having a field day with bashing poor Mel Gibson for being an anti-semetic moron. As well they should. And, boy, is the MSM really piling on! What fun for them! These media Jews are not religious Jews, tho. they are Godless, atheistic racial jews. The Hollywood communist "jews" are different from the REAL Jews, like the Israelis. They share the blood but not the passion.

Groups that are "different" from the indigenous culture they move into have always been hated. In this country, (Where we are all immigrants) All immigrant groups in America endured this enmity until they integrated themselves into the culture and assimilated.

The Irish, the Italians, all of them, until they became "Irish-Americans, then just Americans. That is, within the western European racial configuratation.

The same with religious groups.

The Jews, however, by and large , historically, have not assimilaated into their host countries. They are scattered over the four corners of the earth. In each country they settled in, they lived together and maintained their own separate culture, a culture within a culture. Kept their own identity: their own names, their own religion, their own language, education etc. So that fueled the hatred, worldwide. And combined with the fact that they used their superior business and mental skills to become wealthy amidst prevailing poverty, caused resentment in each host country. Especially since the perception was that they attained their wealth in a less than savory manner--money lending, for example.

Anyway, this explains thde world wide anti-semitism of history. (I'm not talking about the other semites, the Arabs, who are just neanderthal bullies, with flawed brains of zombies).

(SIDEBAR: The morons who lead our culture are encouraging illegal alien Hispanics in our country to NOT assimilate, by promoting the Spanish Language... promoting differences between our prevailing culture and theirs which will only lead to conflict. This is spurred by their obvious hatred of our country.)

So the lingering resentment of racial Jews still exists, world-wide, but is dying out now. That's one of the reasons, the homeland of Isreal is so important. It takes the pressure off the host countries for a group that still resists becoming identified with the country they live in, and remain unwelcome guests. Of course this trend is reversing itself at a great pace as our civilizations become more enlightened and tolerent

At least some of them. It seems the Arab world, caught in the grip of a radical "religion" is spiraling back to the stone age. Maybe they will survive it. Christianity survived the insanity of the Catholic Inquisition, and in this country the witch hunts.

The problem is, on a planet where weapons of mass destruction are increasingly easier to obtain, can the civilized tribes of the earth afford to wait on the moslems to wake up? Or will they sadly get together and decide that, for the survival of the Human Race, this particular strain of the gene pool needs to be removed?

I remember when Castro took over Cuba early in 1959. I was about 13, and interested in politics and foreign affairs. I read every paperback book I could get my hands on about the Revolution. Nowadays, out local teleprompter TV reporterettes cannot even pronounce "Raoul"; I know I'm not sure of the spelling. Maybe the reign of terror will now come to an end...If there is a power struggle, I hope we get involved and help liberate Cuba. I want to go to the beach.

Sucessfully added an image but where it is only blogger knows.



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