It's 5:25 a.m. and Patrick and Junior are asleep downstairs.
Yesterday's blog would not publish, and then was lost. Just as well. It was a particularly nasty vitrioic diatribe (even for me) against Terrorists and those who aid them. It served to get it out of my system, and you don't have to endure it.
I watched just about every one of Ken Jenning's seventy odd appearences on Jeopardy. Now he's dissing the show and dissing Alex. What in ingrate. If anyone out there in the blogosphere wants to help me obtain two-and-a-half million dollars, I will be eternally grateful and not call you names, and then make an"apology" that is even more insulting. However, we don't really know what motivated him.. we don't have the whole story, maybe.
The cops have caught our local highway sniper, a seventeen year old kid with a past. He's charged with murder. They ought to hang him, real quick Now THIS is a monster!!
By the way, in 1970 I think it was, I won the Jeopardy college bowl. No money since I did it from home. No buzzer stick.
One of God's greatest gifts to us is Pretty Women. And the beauty of it for us men is that the older we get, the prettier the older women are to us! It expands the age span of pretty women. The twenty somethings don't have nearly the same amount of pretty women to look at as we old geezers do. We sixty-somethings can see the beauty and sexiness in old women , they can't. Ah , with age comes wisdom, I guess. Altho, I think it's a NATURE thing, so that old animals can take care of each other...Where's Jim Fowler when you need him?
The other interesting thing I've noted, in my advanced state of wisdom is that young men can stand the silliness of young airhead women, whereas us old geezers' heads would explode if exposed to a bubble-gum chewing valley girl for more than a few hours at a time.
And of course, while on the subject, no man, young or old can sufffer a TRUE BITCH for very long, altho many of us have suffered lives of quiet desperation in that regard.
Have a happy and productive day!!
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