It's 6:09 a.m. and Stephen and Junior are asleep on couches downstairs and Patrick is here with me.
Heard a rumor that Rebecca Gayheart was going to be in a TV series called "Vanished"--haven't checked it out yet--want to savour the idea a while longer, in case it's not true. Guess TPTB have forgiven her for killing that little boy... Hope it is not another crime show. Hope it's a Sci-fi show. Hope she's got a starring role. Wouldn't it be great if it was a showcase deal like Love Hewitt's Ghost Whisperer--and she was in every shot, lots of close-ups and most of the time in a low-cut nightgown?
Moose (Eddie on Frazier) died at 16 years old. A jack Russell, like Patrick. God Bless his little doggie soul!
Speculation is JK has killed off Harry Potter. Bad idea, even if she has all the money she wants and has done with writing about him. Conan Doyle tried it and failed. And gee, SH was not a CHILDRENS' BELOVED CHARACTER. How would you like it if Disney killed off Donald Duck or Cookie Monster died? Humpf! Don't be cruel, girl.
Star Jones Reynolds is the idiot we knew her to be--stupid cow. You cross BABA and you'll never work in this town again--except for the big "O". Boy did they pull her off the stage with a hook. Hell hath no fury like an aging lisping jewish journalist diva.
What's up with Jon Benet Ramsey's mom dying? I want a full blown CSI autopsy.
And now to those traitors at the New York Times who are publishing classified information--the right wing is calling them the "Terrorist Tip Sheet"--Cease and Desist!!! If this is not against the law, it ought to be--and after being asked not to! Is treason still a crime in this country? Can we stop these bastards? I wish I had a subscription, so I could cancel it--but then I probably would have cancelled it a couple of hundred times before now...
If these guys had pulled this during World War Two--they would have been dragged from their treasonous lair by a mob of torch-weiling Gold Star Moms and burned at the Stake in Times Square to the Cheers of Thousands! This country has sunken to new lows... It's like Rachel Green once said on Friends, "You know Rock Bottom?" Well I'm below it, covered in fifty feet of crap." or words to that effect.
Check the third tree, Rick.
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