Patrick has gone downstairs with Junior. It's 5:03 a.m.
Going to try to upload images to previous logs.
Attempt #128 failed.
Attempt #129 worked. Mybe we have to make all the images very small. Then what's the point?
Here's what Blogger volunteer help has to say:
All anyone here knows is that there is a sporadic problem with uploading pictures. Some people experience more than others. Some people have never really had a problem and others have been unable to upload photos at all for quite some time. I fall somewhere in the middle.
Blogger gives no REASON why ... only that it isn't system wide and that they are trying to locate and fix the problem. That hasn't happened yet and may take some time. The best way to get action is to use the report form on the page I have pointed you too ... and do it often. Explain EXACTLY what you are experiencing in as much detail as possible. Eventually perhaps they will get it figured out.
Amazing they can't fix it, eh? Or do they know the problem and it's too expensive to fix? If so, they'll start losing members and revenues will decline. We're thinking about moving if we can't figure out a work-around...
OK, we uploaded a bunch of images, from the campfire and the last of the Spring Flower Tour--no clue as to why it suddenly worked.
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