It's 7:24 a.m. and Patrick is downstairs with Junior. Logan is asleep in one of the tents at the fire pit and poor Stephen is slumped in a chair passed out. It's drizzling rain on him. I shouted at him and poked him with an empty fireworks cannister, but could not get him to stir an inch. Maybe the rain will wake him.
Our baby mourning dove was back out of the nest and on the ground last night, probably blown out of her nest by the 50 knot winds we had yesterday. She can fly abit, so she'll be OK
Junior and I set up our tents yesterday for shakedown for the summer. A big storm came up suddenly and blew mine down, shearing part of the seam of one of the aluminum poles. The siren went off in town and everybody was outside looking into the darkness searching for tornadoes. Just hail tho.Then it got nice again, so built a fire and sat around listening to various people play guitar, cook brats, passed the rum bottle, played car tunes and shot off big fireworks. So Patrick got his baptism under fire. He didn't like it one bit. Poor doggy. The big dogs didn't make a peep.
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