It's 9:23 a.m. and Patrick and Junior are around, getting ready for bed.
Had a topic, but forget what is was, oh, well. Went caching yesterday with patrick, found three, hid four. Fifty-one degrees out and sunny/cloudy!
Later, 5:55 p.m. Patrick's snoozing and Junior's at work. Remembered the subject of today's blog:
Last night, while sitting up in bed watching "Dancing With The Stars" on the tube with 18,999,999 other folks, heard a bang outside--sounded like something (limb?) falling on the roof of the porch under the bedroom window behind our heads--Patrick jumped about four feet straight up in the air and started barking. That should have been the end of it, but he continued to run around the upstairs and downstairs barking his fool head off, so I got up, and low and behold, outside up at the intersection was the telltail flashing lights of dozens of emergency red white and blue flashing lights.
That's a quarter mile away, but the whole front yard was lit up. Saw smoke pouring out of a car. I guess patrick was barking at the lights? never really figured that out. Anyway I got my coat and mickey boots on and slushed thru the cornfield to the intersection and talked to one of the Responders, to get the scoop.
All it was is an abandoned car on fire in the road. No crash. There were two firetrucks from the township Volunteer firehouse, and numerous police cars and the normal compliment of a half dozen bluelighted first responder pickup trucks.
Any way when Junior came home from work, an hour later. ,there was a flatbed and a wrecker working on the car. These guys always drag this out as long as they can for some reason. It seems like they want to stay there all night. I know they're not getting paid overtime so I'm not sure what the deal is.
There was a fatal crash about a quarter mile in the other direction last year, and it took them an hour to cut the bodies out of the car and get them on gurnies, then everybody hung around another two hours.
A few years ago, a world war two fighter plane crashed and didn't burn about a half mile from here, killing the pilot and that was a two day affair. They practice aerial acrobatics here because it's unrestricted airspace. (read: Flyover territory) So we get the warbirds from Huntigton, the fighter jets from Ft. Wayne and the Tank killers from who knows where lowleveling fast, all the time. veritable airshow. Oh well....
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