Watch the skies, everywhere! Keep looking. Keep watching the skies!

I just finished watching THE THING From Another World. (1951) If you can remember, it's about a giant blood sucking carrot-man that lands in his flying saucer and attacks a military expedition in the Arctic. THE THING is played by James Arness without his cowboy hat.
A Scientist on the expedition tells the people that they should die, and preserve the Alien because he's a superior being.
When the Scientist tries to reason with THE THING, It contemptuously knocks him aside like a rag doll.
The earthlings finally prevail, led by the brave Captain and his girlfriend.
It came to me in a flash of lucid insight that there is an analogy here, to our present predicament in the homeland.
Barack Obama is THE THING From Another World that wants to destroy our civilization. Nanci Pelosi and the libtard democrats represent the Scientist (traitors) who turn their backs on their people and side with THE THING. Sarah Palin and the Republicans are the Captain and his crew on the outpost DESPERATELY FIGHTING TO SAVE THEMSELVES AND THEIR WAY OF LIFE from the blood-sucking Alien....
Be afraid. Be very Afraid.
Good analogy, Rick.
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