It is 6:42 a.m. and everybody's up except zippy who'se snoozin'. 45 and mostly cloudy in Huntington, Indiana, and 68 and clear here inPalm Harbor Florida.
TR says: It's painfully obvious Libtards don't love their country--If they can't do that, how can they love anything? Their families, their profession? They must live hollow lives, mired in emptiness. Maybe we should pity them instead of hating them. No, Let's hate them--they are surely the enemy of everything that's good and right in the world. Their Godless Jihad against civilization shall not stand!!!
Later. OK so I went out to check on the yard, and pick up some more of the winter lumber in prep for mowing. It'll just be a few days now. The dandelions are blooming ( but then again, they bloom all year round), the Peach trees are blooming, the shrimp plant is blooming. The grass is growing furiously.
I will have to get three-buck a gallon gas tommorrow and start mowing.
I put the lawn chairs out in the front. I sat down with Patrick and read awhile, and let the first sun rays of the season hit me.
OK, so now I'm back inside and it's getting really dark outside, gonna rain, better do the dogs right quick. So I go out and feed the little devils and guess what? I'm rushing trying to beat the rain and I time it just right! Yup, just as I'm finishing up, the downpour comes, drenching me pretty fair, seconds before I make the porch!
It could have been worse--now it's hail- luckily smaller than marbles but bigger than peas--I hate the sound it makes hitting the window glass. The Rain didn't last long but it dumped an inch at least--now the grass will REALLY grow. This is that three week time of year just starting, where, when you finish mowing, the part you started at needs mowing again. Tuff to keep up. Are we equal to the task? And you ask why I don't fertilize the yard...
I am going to use some of this new growth sod, tho ,to fill in around where we put in the new hydrant last fall, tho.
go gatorios!!
The Obama jokes would be funny if they were'nt so trajic
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