It is 6:59 and Sadie is out back, Rosie is up and Kitties are roaming. 68 degrees in Palm Harbor Fla. and 46 in Indiana.
Now that Sarah is on her Book Tour, the venomous hate from the political Left--the America-Haters is spewing forth from their pens and mouths like so much verbal vomit. They are scared. Their rage exposes them as the Traitorous weasels they are.
The degree of hysterical hate-speech from the Left is akin to a mass-insanity. I'm glad I'm not like them. They have their flawed demi-god Obama, but we have real Patriots. This storm will pass. The little colored boy will only last one term. It will take a generation to undo his wrongs, however, if we survive his economic and political treason.
Coach Meyer chokes up...
I just read that "The Gradulation" thing.
Is this a joke? Did that really come from a U.S. Representive to Congress?
That is so full of malapropisms, misspellings, bad sentence structure, and horrible grammar...I am at a loss for words.
I certainly hope she didn't "gradulate" from Florida University. That wouldn't exactly be a ringing endorsement of their academic credentials.
Sadly, it's not a joke. And she does have edua=cation degrees from UF. It is a disgrace to the University and to the Congress that somebody like her was elected. On the positive side, tho, she IS African American. You can hear her on U-Tube--it's even worse.
I did a blogpost on the photo. Of course, our favorite Liberal moron, Jim responded.
Apparently, it is photoshopped...but then...I listened to her little speech, and she did make many of those malapropisms attributed to her.
Yes, it's photoshopped. It's really the Tim Tebow "Promise" Plaque at the Athletic
Center at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on the UF Campus. Actually it's rather kind to her in terms of the way she torks. Go Gatuh!!Go Gatuh!
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