Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It is 55 degrees out at 6:57 a.m. and Patrick and Junior are asleep on a couch downstairs.
POLITICS: Barack Obama may be a nice enuff fellah, but he is in WAY over his head on this president deal. No experience other than community organizer and a year and a half in the Senate. Classic case of a manufactured PR candidate...
Dancing with the Stars debuted last night and what a bevy of beauties. Brooke Burke was breath taking as usual. And Juliet Hough was perfect. Oh My!
I KNEW Horatio wasn't dead! Sarah meets with world leaders today and Bono. This is the day the Lord Made. Pray for the souls of the demonic individuals who are spewing such violent hate on Sarah. This is surely the work of the Devil.... Darn it, I'm back to mowing GRASS!!! Speaking of devils on earth, the leader of Iran speaks at the UNO today.SEPTEMBER 23, 2007:

It is 5:46 a.m. precisely FIVE minutes until the Autumnal Equinox and some Coyotes are yipping in the distance--maybe they know that Fall is here. Patrick briefly got up to listen to them, but is now safely esconced back on his afghan at my feet. It is 57.1 degrees outside and dark. Days will start getting shorter now...
Interesting Saturday of Football. I hate these close games. Gators put up over 500 yards offence against the Rebels (As they have each game this year so far), but Defense gave up a lot of yards, still, they held tough when they had too. The soft underbelly of the Gators was exposed, to the delight of the SEC jackels whooping it up and salivating for a chance at us. Meyer still found a way to win. We should have put up one more score, but Coach wisely kept it on the ground the last few minutes of the game, running Tebow up the middle again and again. Miss played up to us, we played down to them--A combination of first Road game in hostile environment and let down after big Tenn win , I guess. Gators dodged the bullet tho. Ron Zook would have lost this one. Ol Miss has lost a number of slcoe, I mean close (got all the letters, tho-- only touch typists can do that. Grin), conference games recently. The Law of Averages alone is going to give them one. Look for a conference Upset in the near future. You heard it here first.
SEPTEMBER 23, 2006:
Wish Tebow and Percy would play more. Maybe Urbin is holding them back for a championhsip game? heh heh.
Friday, September 23, 2005
It's 5:53, raining out and Patrick is outside visiting his kitty pals.
President Bush is manufacturing these tropical storms in order to kill colored people, who he hates, and to raise the price of oil for his Texas buddies. Notice how Rita is vearing north towards Louisiana? That's W on the joystick. TV Critics Corner: Kelly Monoco lost her Dance-Off last night on TV and boy did she look pissed. No graceful loser, that girl. Survivor is off to a good start with a bunch of sickos--no breakout Hotty chick yet, must really have bummed the producers. Lost had a terrific episode, with Jack, John and Katy going down the tube--Ed, the Bowling ally Attorney's girlfreind had an Emmy-award winning performance with Jack in the scene in the hospital where she wiggles her toes (Like Lock?) "You're yanking my chain, right?" she asks when he tells her she'll never walk again. Classic! "Invasion" was a big let down--hopefully it will get better. The two Ghostbuster brothers who drive the old Chevy Big Block are going to run out of ideas soon--nothing new there...Hopefully Jen Love's new ghostbuster series will be better. I think Lost and Medium spurned a whole lot of Supernatural oriented shows...some not too innovative. That's what I think this morning.
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