It is 8:42 a.m., 79 degrees, and Rosie is out doing cases, Patrick and stephen are here with me, Junior on couch, kitties roaming, Sadie out back.
My uneducated thoughts. The Defense returns en mass so they should be even better than last year, if motivated. The offense is not as good, with the loss of a few superstars.
The TennesseeGame: A comedy of errors: Lots of little things combined all at once to make it a ten point game and not thirty. However the Gators, still perservered, so that's a good thing. The Refs made two or three Crucial bad calls that affected the score--the officiating was decidely one-sided as evidenced by the early celebration call against the Gaotrs. I think they got together after that and decided whoa let's not do that again in a rivalry game unless it's blatant.--but didn't call the vols to even it up, which they could have on sseveral occassions. Second, key players were out with injuries, third, flu may have been slowing down a lot of guys, more than we know as we see the blooming of it this week. Fourth, Meyer played it conservative, probably not a bad idea (Kiffin did too, probably a bad idea for him). Fifth, only a few long passes were attempted, none completed, longest pass play was 18 yards and most of that yards after catch. I know Monte was giving them fits, but you have to find a way--and having all those guys downfield preventing the pass, why was the running game not better. Demps and Rainey did well, but why was Moody, with a damned good run early not used more? Is he STILL in the doghouse for something? Also uncharacteristic for Gators was turning over the ball too many times... So all these little things combined to prevent the blow-out, plus Mont's defense was so strong.
i DEFINITLEY DON'T LIKE mEYER POUNDING Tebow on the ground 24 times.
I hope they don't play like that against Wildcats. One of the younger guys needs to step up at Receiver, and open up the offense a bit, and concentrate on ball control--anyway that's my take.
We, me, Gloria, Stephen and Junior, are watching the game today at Gators Bar and Grill on St. Pete Beach...---Rick, Sr.
Let's hope Tennessee game was a wake-up for meyer and team, like Miss was last year.
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