Friday, May 23, 2008



Re: [GEO] SixDogTeam contacting themeecer from‏


Chris Meece (

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Fri 5/23/08 1:06 PM



That just ticks me off. And you're right .. he was attacking me after I bent over backwards to attempt to keep that thread from becoming a flame war. I was really biting my tongue after that. I really liked your post and agreed 100%. I hope you wrote the moderators and tried to explain this unfair treatment. I am glad your post is archived in my quote as well. Vinny is not the only one I have seen allowed to attack others with no repercussions.

As to the content of my thread, another thing I was alluding to but didn't put out there strong enough is that I do believe we have an over zealous reviewer in my area. I have seen some other caches get archived by this reviewer that had nothing wrong with them (I've visited the cache) and who had the owners posting notes. But if I put that out too strongly it would have seemed like an attack on them. This reviewer even defends himself in his profile, so you know he must be criticized for things like this often. I know I can make errors in following the guidelines, but it is becoming routine that this reviewer (and not any others we have for the area) block mine and others. I guess I should have made multiple threads for these concerns. I was also discussing the inability to unarchive a cache that I had owned previously, I wasn't criticizing the reviewer for doing so more of questioning why we have that guideline in the first place. Also too many people were critical that I wanted to place two micros close together when I had the entire county to do so in ... they skipped over the fact that I was placing those two bring people to those two areas in town .. not to simply have a box thrown out randomly in the woods. It makes me want to stop coming to these forums dealing with people who jump the gun like this.

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 7:22 AM, Geocaching <> wrote:

Thanks for quoting my post defending you in the GC forums thread about volunteer reviewers. The forum moderators archived my post (which you will note no longer exists), and warned me, threatening to take away my rights to post in the forums, for taking on Vinnie, who apparently is allowed to flame people at will since his post still stands. While I don't agree with your positions in this topic, I can't stand by and do nothing when favored elitists like Vinnie attack people in a mean-spirited way, which is against the forums guidelines. Keep on caching!


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postToday, 09:40 AM

Post #53

Magic Man

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I want to thank the ones who have come here to post constructive posts. Some of you read what I wrote and didn't go off on tangents and personal attacks.

To the others ... apparently you have somebody's ear or maybe you took the suggestion of sending them cookies.

How can a post like this remain in this discussion:


Overall, judging from the overall tone of your note and your admitted self-imposed limitations (i.e., the fact that you state that you will only place geocaches in your own (admittedly small) town and nowhere else) I never once said this. I said there are some places where I would like to bring people to see in my small town. I have geocaches placed in the county as well. You and others keep harping on this point., and based upon the sheer number of complaints which you have cited, this all suggests to me that you may have a bit of a sense of entitlement and have a concomitant habit of always harping on the negative instead of appreciating the things you do like. I hate to get all "spiritual" and metaphysical on you, but you did ask for my opinion, so here goes: it has been my personal observation in life that when someone has as many complaints as do you, and sounds as helpless and victimized as do you, and sounds as unhappy as do you, there is usually a lot more to the story, and there is usually a rather major attitude problem, namely, a sense of entitlement along with a lack of gratitude and appreciation, and also inability to let go of things and move on with grace and ease.

While ones defending me like this are deleted:


Overall, judging from the overall tone of your overall reply, this all suggests to us that you don't hate to get all "spiritual" and metaphysical on this guy, but in fact relish it. I has been our personal observation in life that when someone makes these sorts of personal attacks, there is usually a lot more to the story, and there is usually a rather major problem of undisclosed origin. ph34r.gif

But thanks anyway for the pseudo-clinical and unwarranted analysis of his character. unsure.gif

I am a big boy and can take the personal attacks; I've been getting them my entire life. These have been stepped up now that people have the ability to cower behind a computer screen. I do take issue with the elitism the top poster displayed that went unchecked and the deletion of the second post that defended me. They used identical words and tone and only one gets a slap on the hand.

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postToday, 10:01 AM

Post #54

Your Usually Friendly Forum Moderator
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I don't recall receiving a "report this post" message about Vinny's post. We react to post reports but apart from that we try and let the community moderate the threads to the extent possible.

Now that you have alerted the moderating team, we are contacting Vinny's pharmacist immediately.

Meanwhile, let's return to the discussion of the cache review process. Thanks.


"It's only a game."
Volunteer Reviewer - Ohio and Pennsylvania | Read the Cache Listing Guidelines
Global Moderator, The Groundspeak Forums | Read the Forum Guidelines







At Fri May 30, 02:53:00 AM 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

I love it! And I love your blog. I was searching my own name for my blog since it had been a while since I had written on it and I had forgotten the url. To my suprise I find our exchange on your site. Good to know we have some educated people on the forums.


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