SKY BLUE PINK OVER THE DOGYARD...It is 5:34 a.m. and 36.8 degrees out. Patrick and Junior are in bed. Listened to Barry O'Bama's speech the other day. Brilliant. But he did NOT address the core question: How could you sit in church for twenty years and not know the Revereeeend Wright was a looney moonbate race-baiting conspiracy theory nut case who hated the white man and hated America? We'll answer for you. YOU DID. YOU ARE A LIAR. You are NOT black enuff. You grew up in Hawaii in a white middle class household. You went to Chicago and needed a Black Identity. You wanted a political career. You didn't fit in with white society. So you married a negress, joined the Black Radical Church, worked in the grass roots political machine, and became a Civil Rights lawyer. You are not authentic. You never picked cotton. You were never beaten and whipped by the overseer. You didn't reach Chicago via the Underground Railroad. You didn't grow up in the projects. You never mugged an old white lady with your gang. You never boosted a car or sold drugs to kids. phooey! Outing your old Grandmother as a racist was disgusting. You suck. This will never go away, boy. Bill Clinton is a pathological liar and lied every day of his life. We expected it of him. You and Bush, Sr. lied once and we never forgot or forgave. Because you set yourselves up as honorable men and we believed you. You're done. Now it's Hillary vs. McCain, or if it's you, it's McCain being inaugurated in January, standing next to his hot wife and Mitt Romney... What a pathetic puke you turned out to be... So now, it's pack up your magic carpet and slink back to your bosses in Chicago. Bye, Bye! You heard it here first.This is the fifth anniversary of the war in Iraq--time to slay the rest of the bad guys and wind it down, boys. Good Job!Breaking News:
Iditarod 2008 Comes to a Close
At 8:36 pm AK Time Monday, Deborah Bicknell crossed under the burled arch in Nome in 78th place, ending Iditarod XXXVI.
Read the full story.
Labels: dirtbags, irish liars, obama
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