It is 6:26 a.m. and 60.7 degrees and raining. Earthdog is curled up on his afghan at my feet. Today is the sixth year anniversary of the beginning of the Jihadist Attack on America. We will never forget. We won't forget the Alamo, (Mexico); We won't forget Pearl Harbor (Japan); we won't forget 9-11 (Islam). Watched the General Petraeus hearings yesterday (As much as I could stand). We have a democrat majority in congress that acts like sixth graders. It's humiliating to have the world witness this travesty. Not thinking it possible, my disgust for the anti-war faction has increased seven-fold. Cindy Sheehan shamed her son's memory once again, getting her traitor lard-ass arrested once more. The hearings opened with a bloated old windbag who resembles a turtle in profile, Ike Skelton, taking the treason stump to make a speech outlining the usual demo lies about the president and the war. He's Chairman of the Armed Services Committee and showed himself to be the very definition of asshole. He set the tone for the afternoon--Whatever you say, General, it doesn't matter. We don't believe you, the war is a failure, and we want out. We don't have open minds. After that rude opening, another real bad character: I can't remember his name, I don't want to. He looked and sounded like a South American Post WWII Nazi, complete with German accent. Who ARE these guys? Where is the America I grew up in? He tells the General right to his face that he's a liar, a tool of Bush, not even having heard him-- and that whatever you say, General, "I don't buy it", and that the surge has Failed. These guys are Traitors. Not because they are against the war, that's fine. But these guys go WAY over the line. They are giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Put a berka on this guy's head and put him on Al Jezeera, and you can't tell him from any other Jihadist. Had I been in the Gallery, I would hope that I would have had the courage to stand up and point at him and yell "Treason! Treason! You speak Treason! Shame! Shame!" Duncan Hunter spoke next, showing class and elegance and why he is the right-wingers choice for President. He ripped these two previous idiots a new asshole. He berated the dems for orchestrating the week-long attack on the General's integrity and credibility. He called it like it is, an "Outrage". During all this, the General sat poker faced, emotionless. Next , after Hunter, Skelton plays the Hypocrisy card, making a fool of himself by praising the General, after having previously called him a liar in his opening remarks. What a tool! Why can't the dem rank and file see thru these guys? Are they that stupid? Next up is the Florida Lady, Ros-Lehtinen who decries the partisan crap by the dems. If I had been the General, after listening to all this bullshit from the dems, I think I would have wanted to say," Well there's no point in making my presentation, since you've already told me you decided that I'm a liar, and my report worthless, so I'll just hand in the written report and you can get on with the interrogation. Because, as soon as I can I need to get out of here, before the overwhelming stench of your Treason gags me." The highlight of this Kangaroo Court may have been when the aforementioned Lehtinen was interrupted by Skelton ,incorrectly claiming point of order, who stated the dems didn't need to distance themselves from the Move-on dot org crowd that took out the newspaper ad that called the General "Betray-us" since they didn't do it. She gave him the stink eye and said "Take it Easy!" Bravo! Bravo!This all was followed by most of the dems making speeches disguised as questions utilizing the Code Pink talking points. There are a lot of dems with foreign accents and names involved in this travesty. I don't know where they come from. East Germany and Mexico, I guess. It was really depressing to see the depth of depravity that this once proud "democrat" party has fallen into. What is more scary is that half of America worships these clowns. Makes understanding what happened in Germany in the thirties a little easier, tho....
And you were telling me to cool down, LOL. I agree with you though. I added some links to your last comment at my place you might want to look into. they are in that comment section.
I'm cool!
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