Monday, April 09, 2007


It is 7:02 a.m. and 30.9 degrees out. Patrick is still in bed.

Random Thoughts for today:

Nancy Pelosi is a great example of an undistingished individual being thrust into a position of power and failing miserably. We haven't seen anything like this since "Jimmah Carter".

Speaking of Carter, he is proving to be an even more inept ex-president as he was a president. He took the oath of office as "Jimmah" and insisted that that was his name. What a tool. So I found this 99-cent placemat with little paintings of all the Presidents, so I bought it to use at the computer desk because I eat and drink here so often. It listed the 39th President as "James Earl Carter, Jr." Bet that burns his ass. Wish he just keep to growing peanuts and building houses.

OK , Stink-dog is up, I've got to let him out. brb

OK, I'm back.

Fred Thompson is looking better and better as a Republican Presidential candidate...

Saw Sen. John F. Kerry, D-Hanoi, and his wife Teresa heinz catsup Kerry on the tube yesterday. Skerry has jumped on the Global Warming/Green network. Stealing Algore's thumder. Except, he announced we have only ten years until the end of the world becomes a done deal, irreversable. Too bad.

Thank you Lord for another beautiful day on our wonderful blue and green orb.

I think the UK has really botched their hostage deal. And letting the marines sell their stories to the tabloids? Come on. I can't get over the videos of them playing ping pong and laughing. Personally, I don't think I would hold up well under torture--but I like to think if my captors told me to smile for the camera, I would try to make the smile at least a little twisted or fake, so people that knew me could tell, and I would stealthily try to blink SOS, so that I could show that to people if I got released...I can't fault them, but something doesn't seem right here.

Shock Jock Don Imus is in a world of hurt over his ill-conceived comments about the Rutgers Womens' BB team. He thought they were kinda ruff looking with all their tatoos and called them "nappy headed hoes". Now, all the Black Racists are crawling out of the woodwork saying he's a bigot. He's not a bigot. He insults everybody, harshly--only this time it was just a little over the top harsh, and undeserved. He's apologized and that should end it, as far as we're concerned. He's been doing this for twenty years-- If he called a mens' team, that was all white (I know, no such thing) redneck whoredog crackers or something--would there be all the outrage? Maybe-- I don't know.

OK, little white dog has settled in on his afghan, at my feet, in front of the space heater.

I have quit buying Aldi's cheap instant decaf. It just tastes too BAD. I need a strong coffee to counteract the bitterness of the White tea/green tea teabag I put in it to get my TGIF or whatever is in there that's good for me. So now I have to buy expensive Folgers... At least it's good to the last drop--but that last drop:arrrrrgggghhhhh!!!! Later.


I know, I know, it's Maxwell House...


At Mon Apr 09, 11:21:00 PM 2007, Blogger Mark said...

I haven't shopped at Aldi since I left Kansas, but there is one opening this month here in Fredericksburg. I plan to shop there as soon as it opens. I like their prices and the food isn't bad at all. I don't drink coffee, with or without caffeine, so I can't speak to that, but most of Aldi's brands are as good as name brands, as far as I'm concerned.


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