Wednesday, February 21, 2007


It is 6:41 a.m. and 24.1 degrees out and dark. Earthdog is still in bed.

Found White Tea bags (blended with green) in Big Lots yesterday. It is supposed to maybe be as good or better for you than even green. I'm drinking some now, but I don't know what it tastes like because it's in my Wal*Mart Hazlenut Cappucino...

What to rant about today? Don't know. Random stream of C.

A guy on Coast to Coast last night mentioned a theory on why the arabs are so bloodthirsty and primitive. He thinks maybe they were a genetic experiment conducted by aliens that didn't work out right, and they dumped them here. Makes sense. They sure don't fit in with the rest of humanity, even the more primitive tribes like the red indians and the congo negroes. Unlike them, it seems these arabs just can't be civilized and are trapped in this moronic suicidal killing phase. Oh, does that sound racist? Tough shit. The hebrews are semetic people also (supposedly) and they are at the apex of civilization. So maybe the arabs and persians WERE tampered with by alien Nazi doctors in a genetic experiment gone wry. That might explain some of the animals in Australia, also, like duck billed platypus' for example...

If I see one more update on that playmate model with the big dead boobs on TV, by head will explode. At least Disney baldy is back in rehab, so that may shut her publicity up for awhile.

**Dark-skinned White Man alert**

Barack Sambo Bambo is campaigning hard, I don't know why--I guess to build up creds for a run in '12 or '16... He won't get the nomination, because the first black president will have a lot of hurdles to leap, and not being qualified is the least of them. And he can't get the VP slot behind Hillary, because that would be a woman AND a black, a lot for the voters to swallow in one election. Should the dems pic a white man to run, tho, Osama might be a shoo in for the VP slot.

The latest thrust of his campaigning seems to be to convince blacks that he IS indeed black. White people know he is, because the white man's definition of black is: one drop of black blood and you're black. Most coloreds go along with this, I guess, but maybe not all. I guess there is such a thing as not being black enuff--that may be a function of your lifestyle and or activities, etc., more than your phenotype, I don't know.

Anyway Sambo is assuring South Carolina blacks that he is plenty black. I don't know. His mother was white--that puts him at 50%--could go either way--So the test is, was his father 100% Kenyan? Depends on whether he was tribal or Urban I guess-- and he got out of Arica, so maybe he has a drop of white blood, that fatal drop that makes Barracky Backy more white than black. What? you say it doesn't matter? It matters.

I got a letter from an official of the Geological Society of America yesterday. Actually Patrick got it. (A lot of people don't know he's a dog, altho we've never kept it a secret, and he brags about it). So I've had email correspondence and dealings with this guy and well, I'm going to button it.

He's a great guy. And we all make little faux pas (sp?--I'm not a frency frenchman, I'm a white Roosian). So come with me to a sentence in the letter, and I quote:

"...on at least 4 of the Earth's continents (North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, Antarctica etc) and have established..."

If you know what "etc." means and you know about continents, You'll know what I mean!

Well, the public taxpayers had to expend more dollars rescueing more idiots stuck on a mountain they were trying to climb in a BLIZZARD--and since these morons and their DOG survived, the drive-by is all over them--but not asking them WHY--I say let Darwinism take care of these idiots, and cull their genes out of the pool...

I guess since they had the dog along, this was more of a hike, than a climb--the dog was the smartest of the group.

OK, anything else? Oh, Sambo-Bambo left Carolina and went to pick up1.2 million bucks from the usual Hollywierd suspects. They haven't exactly decided to back him, but he's black and liberal, so they fall all over each other praising him. Pretty-boy Clooney says he's the most charismatic individual he's ever been in a room with. What a tool!!

More later, gotta go.


At Thu Feb 22, 10:48:00 AM 2007, Blogger Mark said...

Ha Ha Ha! Before that now defunct television show, "Politically Incorrect" debuted (sp?), I envisioned it would be just like what you wrote, but alas, "Politically Incorrect" was disappointingly politically correct.


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