Did you see Miss USA's tearful Mea Culpa on national TV? How you like to work for Donald Trump? What a joy it must be to have a boss that takes you to task, humiliates and humbles you before the whole world? The people that work for him must live in mortal fear EVERY DAY at causing him displeasure. Couldn't this have been done in private? Or did the Trumpster need a shot of I'M IN CONTROL in the arm to boost his ego? We like the him, but I think he went over the edge on this one...unless he just saw an opportunity to get his mug on camera a shill a little for his shows...then it's not personal, it's just BUSINESS!!!
If I climb a dangerous mountain that has claimed many lives, and do so with a blizzard impending, please don't spend two million dollars of the taxpayers' money looking for me; I can take care of myself. I know that sounds heartless, but come on...
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